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Dragon Cave—龍百科我流翻譯(星雲龍Nebula Dragon)(23-08-2020修正)

作者:光翼│2016-01-17 02:28:48│巴幣:0│人氣:271

棲地:沙漠、高山  元素:光

Females have one more wing finger than males. This does not appear to have any specific function.
It is entirely possible for a black and white patterned Nebula to exist, as a form of albinism via colour-blindness. This, however, is extremely rare.
Have yet to see two Nebula dragons with the exact same pattern, but several have similar patterns.
A Nebula dragon’s horns are often mistaken for ears.
When a nebula dragon dies or if it is killed, its scales lose their pattern in a matter of hours.

They can spend up to 18 hours a day sleeping when newly hatched. They slowly become more active as they age.
Their eyes are pale blue when they hatch, but seem to change color to match their wing patterns.
Hatchlings tend to be more restless during a double new moon, as this is the ideal time for them to observe the sky.
It is very easy to tell their genders apart at a young age, since female Nebula hatchlings have an extra wing finger.
Hatchlings will behave unpredictably during a full solar eclipse, as they do not yet understand what is going on and believe it is night time.
In their late adolescence years, female hatchlings will seek out high areas or deserts to make a nest for when they become adults and lay their first eggs.
Male nebula hatchlings during their late adolescence years prepare for adulthood by spending long hours staring at the sky, making sure their patterns are suitable for finding a mate.

Adults sleep during the day. They therefore dislike summer as days are longer, and are usually more active in winter.
Males who wish to mate display their wings to their fullest extent to their chosen female. If the female approves, she will imitate him. If she disapproves, she will fly off.
While they prefer to live solitary, peaceful lives, small groups can be found every now and then.
Nebula dragons do not mind temporary company of other breeds, and many have been found to bond closely with Royal Blue dragons, due to their shared love of starlight.

Nebula dragons love to travel and find new places to observe the night skies. They will sometimes travel as far as the other side of the planet to do so.
Since winter is often the best time to observe the skies, Nebula dragons seem to grow accustomed to cold weather.

Nebulas are omnivorous, and usually hunt large mammals.
Enjoy bitter fruits such as lemons and grapefruit.
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