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異塵餘生4 (Fallout 4) 動力裝甲位置

作者:OkitaTW│2015-12-01 03:32:55│巴幣:0│人氣:4155

T45    1-17级
T51   18-30级
T60   22级以上
X01   28级以上

  • (室外1)在康科德的自由博物館樓頂,執行自由鐘聲響起任務取得
    原文:One can be found during When Freedom Calls on the roof of the Museum of Freedom in Concord.
  • (室外4)鼓丘餐廳南邊有一台損毀的軍隊貨運車廂,需解開進階等級的終端機才能取得
    原文:One can be found to the South of Drumlin Diner nearby a destroyed train, behind a sealed security gate that can be opened via a terminal.
  • (室外8)在格雷花園與可偉佳裝配廠之間的雙層高架橋上,快速移動到格雷花園之後往東走應該能找到一個電梯上去高架橋,上去之後往回直走會看到一座墜毀的飛鳥,動力裝甲就在它旁邊(英文wiki寫49等的時候可以見到T-51,但中國人寫的文章是600等還是看到T-45)
    原文:A frame can be found on the top of the double-layered overpass highway triangulated in between College Square,Graygarden and the Corvega assembly plant. If the Sole Survivor fast travels to Greygarden and heads east, they should see a small yellow lift that can take the Sole Survivor to the second layer of the overpass. There's a crashed vertibird hanging over the edge with a leveled set of power armor standing next to it. Full set of T-51 at lvl. 49 (? ..although entered Cambridge earlier at much lower level..)
  • (室內3)在大麻州灣醫療中心,坐電梯上去抵達醫療放射學就能看到,旁邊有槍手指揮官會衝去穿裝甲,強烈建議幹掉他再去穿裝甲
    原文:One can be found at the Mass Bay medical center in the radiology wing. (One of the enemies will get into the armor during combat.) Allowing the enemy to use the armor will let the player character kill and loot the armor pieces, and then have the power armor frame and new parts re-spawn later, making this one of the few places to get respawning power armor other than the Raider version.

  • 南波士頓軍營內有兩名槍手以及貨櫃裡一名槍手(旁邊有胖子核彈)。軍營後方有一台進階終端機,解開之後會有完整的X-01裝甲(備註:34等的時候出現T-60,建議40等再去查看)
    英譯:One can be found behind South Boston Military Checkpoint. a suit can be found in a cage ,which is locked by an expert Terminal .(Note: according to this website, full X-01 set at level 40)
  • 自訂海關大樓西邊一處名為Court 35的頂樓,由突擊者與原型鐵衛兵看守。裝甲被鎖在機器人進來的房間,按下兩邊控制台上的紅色按鈕就能開門領取。(備註:28等可以找到完整的X-01裝甲,32等可以找到完整的MK2等級裝甲,40等可以找到完整的MK3等級裝甲)
    原文:One can be found on the top of Court 35, west of Custom House tower. Guarded by a sentry bot and anassaultron. The frame is in a locked room that opens when the red buttons in the room the robots came from are pressed. Both robots will automatically self-destruct if the player character gains the Hidden status after releasing them, leaving the power armor completely unguarded. (Note: Full X-01 set at level 28, MK2 at level 32, higher models may spawn at a higher level.)
  • 國民警衛隊訓練場的西北方有一堆貨櫃,X-01就在一扇上專家等級鎖的大門後面(備註:35等可以找到完整的MK2等級裝甲,39等可以找到完整的MK3等級裝甲)
    原文:One can be found on the northwest outskirts of the National Guard training yard, a suit can be found behind an expert locked gate inside a shipping crate. (Note: Full X-01 MK2 set found here at Level 35, X-01 MK3 at Level 39)
  • 在大個子約翰回收場西南方有一個檢查站可以找到X-01部分裝甲。
  • 波賽登能量輪機#18-F對面山丘上可以找到X-01的部分裝甲。


  • One cannot attach a piece of power armor if it has stacks. e.g. if you have a stack of two X-01 Torso then you would not be able to attach such piece. This is remedied by simply clearing the stack until one remains, you should be able to attached the power-armor piece once more.
  • If one brings all companions to the Red Rocket truck stop all equipped in full X-01 power armor, calls the companions with the bell then fast travels to Sanctuary Hills, then back to the truck stop, randomly a Brotherhood knight will appear to kill X6-88. The knight who appears is also dressed in full x-01 power armor with jet pack. All companions will then kill the knight and his equipment can be taken. Danse will not dislike the act. [platforms tag needed][verification needed]

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同標籤作品搜尋:異塵餘生 4|輻射 4|Fallout 4|動力裝甲

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