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【每日一曲】La Roux - Paradise Is You

作者:拉提沃☕│2015-08-26 00:21:43│巴幣:0│人氣:240


曲名:Paradise Is You
作曲家 / 歌手:La Roux
收入專輯:Trouble in Paradise


親民度 :■■■
最適視聽情境 & 時段:下午、休息


總體評價:★★★★★★☆☆☆☆     ▓    產生疲勞:★★★★★★★★★★
作  詞:★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆     ▓    產生厭惡:★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
編  曲:★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆     ▓    產生雜念:★★★★★★★☆☆☆
演奏方式:★★★★★★★★★☆     ▓    作業干擾:★★★★★★★☆☆☆
歌唱方式:★★★★★★★★★☆     ▓    作業終止:★★★★★★★★★★
耐聽度 :★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆     ▓    緊繃情緒:★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
腦力激盪:★★★★★★★★★★     ▓    接受難度:★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆


Walking along on a sandy beach
Everybody's laughing under cigarette trees
And the water here is crystal clear and bright
The air is rich with a Hawaiian breeze
The grass is alive with sugar weeds
And the hill tops tuck in the bay for the night
And the palm trees make it feel like paradise
But without you here there's nothing nice
'Cos in your eyes
That's my paradise
When all the roads ahead of me stop looking new
My paradise is you, my paradise is you
When everything I know is slipping out of view
My paradise is you, my paradise is you

My heaven is you

The runners run and the teasers tease
But none of these faces can set me free
And the water here is crystal clear and bright
When I compare this pleasure beach
To all the places in your eyes that I have seen
It could be anywhere
If you're not by my side
And the palm trees make it feel like paradise
But without you here there's nothing nice
Cos in your eyes
That's my paradise
When all the roads ahead of me stop looking new
My paradise is you, my paradise is you
When everything I know is slipping out of view
My paradise is you, my paradise is you
When all the roads ahead of me stop looking new
My paradise is you, my paradise is you
When everything I know is slipping out of view
My paradise is you, my paradise is you

My heaven is you
My heaven is you
My heaven is you

All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(When all the roads ahead of me stop looking new)
(My paradise is you, my paradise is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(When everything I know is slipping out of view)
(My paradise is you, my paradise is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(When all the roads ahead of me stop looking new)
(My paradise is you, my paradise is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(When everything I know is slipping out of view)
(My paradise is you, my paradise is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(When all the roads ahead of me stop looking new)
(My paradise is you, my paradise is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(When everything I know is slipping out of view)
(My paradise is you, my paradise is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(When all the roads ahead of me stop looking new)
(My paradise is you, my paradise is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(When everything I know is slipping out of view)
(My paradise is you, my paradise is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(My heaven is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(My heaven is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying

(My heaven is you)
All my love is for you
Darling it's only you who can stop my heart from crying


  La Roux,原本是個搭配錄音師的雙人團體,現在是落單的狀態,成了單獨一人原名為 Elly Jackson 的英國女性歌手。曲風以流行電子、新浪潮為主,其中性的嗓音及奇特的演奏方式特色極為突出,而她中性的打扮、奇特的髮型也是吸引客群的因素。今天要介紹的歌曲是夢境一般的歌曲「Paradise Is You」。
  為何會形容"天堂就是你"呢?天堂不應該是一個環境塑造出來的結果嗎?關於這個疑惑,在歌詞中就有提到,再吸引人的焦點,都不足以讓我自在。沒有你,美如天堂的場景都不會好,唯有你在我身旁,才能止住我心中的淚,唯有我在你的眼裡,那才是我的天堂。而這首歌提到的美麗場景設在海灘,剛好專輯封面可以參考 (?) 採在滿滿沙的海灘,人群在煙草樹下談笑風生,海水晶瑩剔透班的透亮,空氣因為夏威夷海風變得富有,綠地因為香甜的野草生氣盎然,就連丘頂也擠在海灣過夜。然而她也提了,這些都不是她最看重的,和在你眼中我看過的所有地方比較起來,如果你不在我身旁,其實要去哪都行,因為你眼中所看到的才是我的天堂。當路都退到身後看不到變化、當我的認知都滑出了畫面之外,你是我的天堂。
  關於編曲,如果有注意到我標示的時間,前面是沒東西的,所以…聽這首歌16秒的人生就這樣 (ry) 然而這也不影響對歌曲的評價就是。

▲Paradise Is You的音訊,前面幾乎沒聲音,不過把音量拉高後猜測可能有營造海風風聲。

  雖然這首歌算是放鬆音樂,演奏上還是會讓人感覺有些緊繃,不過當結尾唱到了「My heaven is you」時候的落差可以說是能夠達到完全的舒緩了!說起來不誇張,才第一次聽到這首歌就聽到睡著…反覆的唱著同樣的歌詞,加上以心聲形態復訟的歌詞…真的是很猛聽了會想睡的音樂很舒服沒錯,不過我平常不太喜歡聽這樣的音樂,我喜歡的是那種聽起來很舒服,又能讓精神完好的歌曲,這兩者性質似乎矛盾到,然而我就專門在收集這樣的歌曲,而且是真實存在的。雖然這首歌最後的結果對我而言是聽聽就過去了,但這首如夢境一般的旋律依然烙印在我腦海中,是個很絕妙的存在!


All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


同標籤作品搜尋:La Roux|Paradise Is You|你就是天堂|Synthpop|氛圍音樂|流行電音|夢境流行|放鬆音樂|抒情|音樂

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前一篇:【每日良曲】AKIRA ... 後一篇:【每日一曲】Magica...



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