
1 GP


作者:L.O.R.D│2015-05-03 13:05:12│巴幣:2│人氣:216

Currently Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare is attempting to pass No-fault Compensation for medical injury.

No-fault compensation system allows patients to request compensation for medical injury, even without an established negligence (negligence means the practice falls below standard of care). While "no-fault" and "medical injury" may sound contradicting, these situations are quite common due to the uncertainty in medicine. A 2-5% inherit risk of infection in surgery, an unforeseeable allergic reaction to treatment are all counted as medical injuries, despite doctors uphold the standard of care and tried their best to avoid these circumstances.

While the one in Taiwan seems similar to ACC in NZ, there are some serious concerns about this legislation.

1. The legislation only said in strict wording that the government will share 30% of the compensation. This means the rest 70% will be shared between smoke companies/donations/National Health Insurance and medical professionals/medical organisations. Although Ministry of Health and Welfare said they want to split these to 40% for the former combination and 30% for the latter one, no words in the legislation implied that. Furthermore, 30% sharing between medical professionals and hospitals will certainly put double burdens on medical professionals' finance, as hospitals will likely respond to this law with their staffs' wages, adhering to "Taiwan's culture". This unbalance in work and reward is even worse when medical professionals' salary doesn't match their high working hours in Taiwan.
1. 醫糾法只有明字規定說政府最高只會付30%的補償金,剩下的70%會讓菸/捐/健保與醫療人員/醫療機構分配。雖然衛服部解釋說他們希望能夠分配成40%讓前者組合付(菸/捐/健保)與30%讓後者付,法規沒有明確指出這個意思。而且剩下醫療人員與醫療機構負責的30%會給醫療人員的經濟帶來雙重壓力,因為醫院很可能會跟著台灣共體時艱的文化用醫療人員的薪水來反應醫糾法。醫療人員的薪水本來就跟不上自己的工時了,這法規只會讓不平衡的工作與報酬更嚴重。

2. This legislation does not protect medical professionals from being caught in a civil lawsuit. The ACC in NZ has guide on when the patient is able to withdraw from ACC and sue the doctors, such as reckless conducts. The new legislation in Taiwan doesn't have that, and the main requirement for patients to sue doctors in Taiwan is simply return their compensation. This provide little to no protection for medical professionals when they already invested money into the compensation.
2. 醫糾法並沒有真的讓醫療人員避免民訴。紐西蘭的ACC有標準說在哪些情況下才能退還補償並告醫療團隊求賠償,像一些不計後果的手術等。台灣的醫糾法主要限定說要告醫療團隊必須先退還補償。結果醫療團隊依醫糾法付補償金後還是沒有受到保護。

Medical professionals in Taiwan are already on the verge of collapse with abundant lawsuits, media pressure and long working hours. The new legislation may become the last straw. Currently many countries like Singapore are recruiting medical professionals in Taiwan, I wish the government can at least step into medical professionals' shithole and understand their worries. Or else Taiwan will soon be severely deprived of medical professionals, and this will create a domino effect that crushes the rest of the medical professionals.

無過失醫療補償並不是一個新法律,世界上很多First World國家(但沒有美國喔!)都有在用

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