
12 GP

Mike Posner - Cooler Than Me 中文歌詞翻譯

作者:CH│2015-01-10 01:16:27│巴幣:32│人氣:5999

If I could write you a song,  若我能為妳寫一首歌,
And make you fall in love,  而因此使妳墜入愛河,
I would already have you up under my arm. 那麼我肯定會將妳擁入懷中。
I used up all my tricks,  我將我的花樣都使盡,
I hope that you like this.  我希望妳喜歡。
But you probably won't,  但妳可能不會,
You think you're cooler than me.  妳覺得妳比我還酷。

You got designer shades,  妳戴著時尚的墨鏡,
Just to hide your face and  恰恰遮蔽了妳的臉
You wear them around like  每當妳戴著它們,似乎想告訴我
You're cooler than me.  妳比我還要酷。
And you never say hey,  而妳總不理會我,
Or remember my name.  或者記得我的名子
Its probably 'cause,  也許是因為,
You think you're cooler than me.  妳覺得妳比我還酷。

You got your high brow,  妳有妳美麗的高眉,
Shoes on your feet,  穿上妳的鞋,
And you wear them around,  而妳不時的穿著它們,
Like they ain't wrong.  彷彿它們很適合妳
But you don't know,  但妳並不知道,
The way that you look,  妳的模樣,
When your steps  每當妳的腳步聲
Make  發出
That  那麼
Much  多的
Noise.  噪音。

See I got you,  看吧,我逮到妳了,
All figured out,  頓時了解,
You need everyone's eyes just to feel seen. 妳只想被注意到罷了。
Behind your make-up  在妳那迷惑世人的紅妝後
Nobody knows  可無人知曉該如何分辨
Who you really are  真正的妳
Who you think that you are  及虛偽的妳

If I could write you a song,  若我能為妳寫一首歌,
And make you fall in love,  而因此使妳墜入愛河,
I would already have you up undermyarm.  那麼我肯定會將妳擁入懷
I used up all my tricks,  我將我的花樣都使盡,
I hope that you like this.  我希望妳喜歡。
But you probably won't,  但妳可能不會,
You think you're cooler than me.  妳覺得妳比我還酷。

You got designer shades,  妳戴著時尚的墨鏡,
Just to hide your face and  恰恰遮蔽了妳的臉
You wear them around like  每當妳戴著它們,似乎想告訴我
You're cooler than me.  妳比我還要酷。
And you never say hey,  而妳總不理會我,
Or remember my name.  或者記得我的名子
Its probably 'cause,  也許是因為,
You think you're cooler than me.  妳覺得妳比我還酷。

You got your hot crowd,  每當妳進到了人群之中,
Switch in your walk,  便切換步調,
And you don't even look when you pass by. 一屑也不屑的擦肩而過。
But you don't know,  但妳並不知道,
The way that you look,  妳的模樣,
When your steps  每當妳的腳步聲
Make  發出
That  那麼
Much  多的
Noise.  噪音。

See I got you,  看吧,我逮到妳了,
All figured out,  頓時了解,
You need everyone's eyes just to feel seen. 妳只想被注意到罷了。
Behind your make-up  在妳那迷惑世人的紅妝後
No body knows  可無人知曉該如何分辨
Who you really are  真正的妳
Who you think that you are  及虛偽的妳

'Cause it sure seems  因為它彷彿表現得
('Cause it sure seems) (因為它彷彿表現得)
You got no doubt 妳沒有問題
(That you got no doubt)  (妳完美無瑕)
But we all see  但我們卻知道
(We all see)  (我們都知道)
You got your head in the clouds  別再開玩笑了
(Clouds)  (別再開玩笑了)

If I could write you a song,  若我能為妳寫一首歌,
And make you fall in love,  而因此使妳墜入愛河,
I would already have you up undermyarm.  那麼我肯定會將妳擁入懷
I used up all my tricks,  我將我的花樣都使盡,
I hope that you like this.  我希望妳喜歡。
But you probably won't,  但妳可能不會,
You think you're cooler than me.  妳覺得妳比我還酷。

You got designer shades,  妳戴著時尚的墨鏡,
Just to hide your face and  恰恰遮蔽了妳的臉
You wear them around like  每當妳戴著它們,似乎想告訴我
You're cooler than me.  妳比我還要酷。
And you never say hey,  而妳總不理會我,
Or remember my name.  或者記得我的名子
Its probably 'cause,  也許是因為,
You think you're cooler than me.  妳覺得妳比我還酷。


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