
1 GP

Jun 002

作者:allwe│2014-09-17 02:11:22│巴幣:2│人氣:85
This is a piece of stream of consiousness' writing.
It may be a bit hard to follow.
Please kindly understand.

So  A and I went to Sino Centre*(信和中心) in Mongkok,
the place Jun, S and I used to visit 1 to 2 times per week.
A asked me when I last came to there.
I said not long ago.
If I hadn't gone to there in more than 6 months,
I wouldn't have invited her to go out
as that would have been a huge mental burden.

After I left the Japanese visual rock music scene at 17 years old,
I haven't visited Sino Centre.
Maybe it was until I was 20 or 21.
I brought N to there.
I said it was my favourite place.
I recommended him to buy the sampler of GLAY's single "HAPPINESS".
It was my number 1 song of them.

These days I went there once a month or once in 2 months
to shop for Japanese and American/British CDs and old dramas' DVDs.

* Sino Centre is a trendy mall in Hong Kong. The main products are Japanese animation goods, CDs, DVDs, comics, books, electronic games, watches and sneakers.

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留言共 1 篇留言

Oh Sino Centre. It makes me nostalgic, too.
To me, the place meant CLAMP*'s pirate VCDs.

It was as important as 童年夢** and later 買物王*** in my teenage.
Anyway, haven't been there for five...seven years or so.
*CLAMP is my favourite 少女漫畫/動畫 group.
**童年夢 is a shop selling legal CDs of animation soundtracks.
***買物王 sells comics and animation artbooks.

09-18 23:42

WoW Have no idea you have fallen in love with animation, comics and animation soundtracks so long. Your message reminds me of all these places and names.

CLAMP is so famous, 百變小櫻.
童年夢 is next to Sino Centre.
And there was one 買物王 near my home that is closed now. Langham Place has one now.
09-20 03:13

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