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Bungie每週消息 - 2014/08/08

作者:Xhriman│2014-08-09 10:39:36│巴幣:22│人氣:111
This week at Bungie, I’m packing my bags. You will never see this face again.
本週在 Bungie,我正在打包行李,你們將不會再看到這張臉。

There is one question you’ve all been asking since the Destiny Beta went offline. We’ve heard you. It’s time to issue an official response. Before we get down to business, indulge me as I cast my own loving look back. There’s something I have to say to my dashing defender of the last safe city on Earth.
有一個疑問是自從Destiny Beta下線後你們都一直在問的。我們已經聽到了,該時候發表官方回應了。在我們言歸正傳前,請縱容我用充滿愛慕的眼神回憶過去。有些東西我必須跟我在地球上最後安全城市活躍的守護者說:

Hey, handsome. Miss you. We had a lot of fun together, didn’t we?

You were bold. Even in the darkest corners of Old Russia, your eyes burned with the same purple intensity that sent so many of your enemies into the Void.

You stood fast in the face of danger. Hive Ogres shook the ground beneath your feet.  The Lord of the Iron Banner put your skills to the test. Yet, after every mission, you returned triumphantly to the Tower.  Humanity had nothing to fear – not on your watch.
面對危險你依然堅守此地,Hive Ogres 在你的腳下震撼著大地 ,Iron Banner 的The Lord 對你的技術進行考驗。不過,每當任務結束之後,你終究還是帶著得意的神情回到了 the Tower。人類沒有什麼好害怕的了 ── 就算沒有了你的守望。

You were brave.

And now, you are gone.

You and millions of Guardians just like you. You helped us build a better world – all of you. But as great as that place has become, it’s a place that wouldn’t make sense to you anymore. Too much has changed.
你與其他上百萬個像你一樣的守護者,你們幫助我們建立一個更好的世界 ── 你們全都是。但是儘管這個地方變得更好,你也再也不會出現在這個地方了。太多東西已經改變了。

I’ll remember you, and millions of Guardians like you, for the things you taught us. Thank you for letting us learn from your adventures. We promise your sacrifice will not be in vain.

See you starside.

If the rest of you haven’t gathered the painful truth from the eulogy yet, our Beta characters won’t transfer to the final version of Destiny. The vaults have been cleaned out, too.
如果剩下的人還沒有從這篇悼文得出令人痛苦的真相,我們的 Beta 角色將不會轉移到 Destiny 正式版,倉庫同樣也會被清空。

Step away from this update and take a walk. Have a good cry, or howl at the Moon. We’ll be here when you’re done…

Welcome back.

What you just experienced is something we’ve been through countless times here at Bungie. We feel your pain, and then some. Making a game requires iteration and progress. When we reinvent the world where the Guardians live, sometimes we have to leave them behind.
你剛才所體驗到的是我們在 Bungie 裡早已體驗無數次的經驗,我們至少瞭解你的痛苦。製作一款遊戲需要不斷的循環與進步,當我們重新改造守護者們生活的世界,有時候我們必須拋下他們。

Tyson Green is a Bungie designer who thinks long and hard about character ownership. He’s said goodbye to hundreds of Guardians throughout the pursuit of Destiny, and dozens of those warriors had evolved well past Level 8. He’s not the reason why your character is gone, but Tyson can explain why our Guardians won’t accompany us on launch day:
Tyson Green是一位對角色所有權深思熟慮的 Bungie 設計師,他在 Destiny 的追求過程中揮別了數百隻守護者,而且有數十隻早超越了 8 等。他不是為什麼你們角色離開的理由,但是 Tyson 會解釋為何我們的守護者不會在發售的那天繼續陪著我們:

Since the Beta, we’ve continued to tune and adjust the game. The way you earn experience has been adjusted up and down a bunch of times. Items have been added and removed. New features toggled. Although there’s no single monumental change, the sum of the tweaks leaves characters from the Beta Build in strange shape that would be confusing at best, broken at worst.
自從Beta過後,我們開始繼續調整遊戲,獲取經驗值的方式早已上上下下調整過好幾次、道具被添加或是移除、新功能的切換。雖然沒有單一巨大的改變,各種的小改進也讓 Beta 版中的角色產生奇怪的情況,狀況好的話僅只是讓人覺得困惑,最糟則造成角色毀損。

We’ve been asked many times if this was a real Beta. It was. We learned a lot from your participation, and we’re going to tweak, adjust, and in some cases, make some significant alterations that ultimately mean your Beta Guardian can’t go home again.
我們也被問過很多次這次是否是真正的Beta測試。是的。我們從你們的參與中學到很多,我們會繼續改進、調整,在某些情況下做出重大的修改,這代表最終你的 Beta 守護者再也無法回家。

This is the last time we’ll ask you to part with your hero. On September 9th, you can create a Guardian who will keep you company for a good, long time. On a long-enough timeline, you might decide to delete him or her and start over again – but that will be your call to make.
這會是最後一次我們要求你與你的英雄分開。在 9/9 ,你可以創造出一位守護者,而他將一直陪伴你度過漫長而愉快的時光。在一段足夠長的時間軸,你或許會決定刪除他/她並再次重新開始 ── 不過那只會是你自己所作的決定。

There are other worlds than these…

If you’re still smarting about the loss of your Beta Guardian, we’re here for you. Everyone in the studio is here for you, in fact. This week, for perhaps the final time, we “wiped” all the brave heroes that lived in the full build of Destiny. The usual funeral pyre of final screenshots was gathered and set alight.
如果你依然在為 Beta 守護者的離去感到不快,我們會在這裡陪著你,事實上是所有在工作室的人都會在這裡陪你。本週 ── 或許這是最後的時間了 ── 我們要抹去所有曾活在 Destiny 中勇敢的英雄們。最後的截圖已經被收集起來作為火葬用的柴火並被點燃。

Matt Bennier is a Senior Artist at Bungie. His exotic protector of humanity struck a final pose in our inbox that began the parade of commemoration and remembrance. Anyone out there still think that Warlocks aren’t frabjous enough?
Matt Bennier,Bungie 的資深藝術家。他奇妙的人類保護者擺出了最後一個姿勢,這些照片都存在我們的收件夾裡,現在收件夾開始了紀念展覽。現在任何人還覺得 Warlock 不夠棒嗎?

Grab your Destiny Companion. Look at your Guardian. Now look at Matt’s. Now back to your Guardian. Now back to his. Despite your brave service and fantastic exploits in the Beta, it was only your first step into the wider world of Destiny. A small (yet record breaking) percentage of you barely even ventured to the Moon. There is so much left to do – so much left to earn and master.
抓起你的 Destiny Companion,看向你的守護者。現在看向 Matt 的。現在再看回你的守護者。現在再看向 Matt 的。儘管你在 Beta 中有許多英勇的行為與極佳的功績,這不過只是你踏進 Destiny 更寬廣世界的第一步而已。甚至有小比例(或是紀錄失誤)的人才剛要前往月球冒險。還有著如此多的事情等著你去做 ── 等著你去獲得與駕馭。

Right now, you’re lamenting the loss of your starter gear, those pearls of mayhem of destruction that you carved from the wastes of Old Russia. Look beyond that horizon. We have exotic arms and armaments secreted away – adventures you can barely imagine right now.
如今,你正哀嘆著你初始裝備的消失,那些你從舊俄羅斯廢品中所雕琢出毀滅的混亂珍寶。讓目光越過那地平線吧!我們有許多奇妙的武器與被隱藏起來的軍備 ── 那是你現在絕對想像不到的冒險。

In time.

Set Destination.

That’s right. We’re leaving town again. This time, we’re even leaving the country. Again. There are still some stops to make on the world tour that leads up to the launch of Destiny. There are still some people out there who have no idea that they can wield the incredible powers of the Traveler as a weapon. Our quest is to find them and bring them into the light.
沒錯,我們要又要離開這座城市。這次,我們甚至要離開這個國家。又一次。直到 Destiny 發售之時我們的世界之旅還有幾站要走,依舊有些人還不知道他們能夠運用 the Traveler 不可思議的力量作為他們的武器。我們的任務是找出這些人並將它們帶入光明。

Next stop: Germany.

We’ll be at gamescom in Koln (a place we know as “Cologne” for some reason). Whatever you call it, it’s the setting for the largest consumer show in the world. There is no setting that enables more people to come into contact with the people who make their favorite products. Lucky for all of us, games are the focus. Destiny will be on display. If you can find our booth, you can play it. If you’re nowhere near Germany, we’ll have some sweet media loaded into our cannons that will reach you wherever life finds you. As always, people who pay attention right here rarely miss a beat.
我們會在德國科隆(Koln) Gamescom 電玩展中出現(某些原因這個地方也叫做 Cologne)。不論你怎麼稱呼它,它的目的是世界最大消費性電子展,不過它並不是為了可以讓更多的人與他們所愛產品的製作者交流的地方。對我們而言幸運的是,遊戲是全場的焦點。Destiny 將會進行展示,如果你能找到我們的小房間,你也可以親自遊玩。如果你距離德國不是很近,我們也準備把一些迷人的影片與照片裝進我們的大砲裡,只要你還在這個世界上,它就能到達你所在的地方。一如既往,在這裡屏息以待的人們很少會跟錯失良機。

This is not the last stop.
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