非常榮幸邀請各位朋友蒞臨 2014 年 8 月 9 日 至 9 月 15 日所舉行的個人展覽:「誰來扣板機:暴力電玩的內涵與理路」。我們準備了四場精采的座談、四位妹、超過二百吋以上的螢幕以及包下一整座大片落地窗、灑滿陽光和濃醇香味的咖啡廳,等著您來。
為什麼要辦這個展覽?因為我在乎這件事,不管是從捷運殺人案到最近的多啦 A 夢會引發校園罷凌,我希望我不只是出張嘴的鍵盤鄉民,更能實際做點什麼事情。既然我有能力做得到,為什麼不?可能許多朋友都知道,從事件之後,我在廣播、節目、學校或是企業邀約演講中都改成類似題目,
這四場都包下了一座有著灑滿陽光的大片落地窗、 免費Wifi、各桌椅配置充電座的明亮咖啡廳。我們將在咖啡廳中舉行討論、分享、介紹妹妹和實際體驗遊玩,希望能在濃醇的咖啡香味中快樂地聊天,分享這個看起來有點嚴肅但實際有趣的議題。當然啦,歡迎來連線打電動,這才是我的主要目的啦XDDD (另外光臨這四場分享會的朋友有機會獲得遊戲軟體或周邊作為贈品)
Step by Step 攻略介紹
2. 從 2 號出口「德行西路」出來
3. 從出口往左邊看,這裡有幾間有名的水貨相機、3C專賣店,而且都是正妹店員,電視有採訪過喔,喜歡價格低廉的水貨品,不妨來逛逛
4. 我們還是先去看展覽吧!已經等您等到胸口痛了,從 2 號出口出來後請沿著右邊路口直走
5. 路上往右邊巷子看,還可以看到天母 SOGO ,對於阿宅而言,這邊有日文書店淳久堂,看完展覽順便來逛一下買買宅書吧。關於淳久堂的介紹,請參考:這篇
6. 繼續直走,到了紅綠燈處就可以看到家樂福,目標就在眼前!
7. 再往前走 15 秒鐘,就到了,噹噹!
8. 咖啡廳就在旁邊,如果不清楚,就直接問櫃檯人員就可以了,開館時間都可以來,歡迎您。
開放時間: 2014 年 8 月 9 日(星期六)至 9 月 15 日(星期一)上午十點至下午六點
1. 展覽之遊戲會根據展期進行定期更換,無法根據來訪者之需求而進行變換。
2. 現場作品均提供試玩,請至櫃檯借用對應控制器便可,體驗後也請歸還。
3. 「為什麼不穿內褲」是我本來的演講和主題名稱,真的!我就是希望用這種看起來「不高尚、下流的詞彙來探討一些嚴肅的問題,因為假裝看不到並不會消失」。但是因為因為下面有文化局長的名字,更擔心因為這樣的名稱而有了先入為主的印象,根本不給說明的機會,所以.....最後就改了.....
4. 我不是什麼厲害的人物,但希望能找到和我一樣喜歡這領域的人合作,所以有興趣從事這方面的人可以利用這段展覽時間,我們在咖啡廳好好聊一聊。
Curatorial Discourse: Viewing and Practice: The Connotation and Context of Violent Video Games
The society was shocked by the 2014 Taipei Metro attack. We sincerely take a moment of silence for all the innocent victims of this attack, and expect our society to stay away from conflict and trepidation. The mass media provoke considerable controversies by pointing out that the murderer indulges in violent video games.
The debate over violent video games highlights people’s biased and superficial understanding about them. Those who are against violent video games may never play them previously; let alone understanding the presentation and reaction of these video games in terms of their visual effects and manipulation. They simply assess the negative implications of these video games from their own biased conjectures. Similarly, those who favor violent video games ignore the implicit threats and influences that the games exert on players mind.
In addition, when it comes to violent video games, we tend to associate it with “killing people.” However, are not discrimination on the grounds of religion, gender, and sexual orientation, as well as animal abuse and environmental damage equally violent in terms of language?
It is impossible to eliminate violent content from all movies, novels, and information on the Internet. Video games are the most representative of digital technology and the entertainment industry in general. To prevent similar unfortunate incidents from happening again, we should correctly understand violent video games rather than habitually block and fear them.
Therefore, I organize the exhibition titled “Viewing and Practice: The Connotation and Context of Violent Video Games.” On the one hand, this exhibition addresses the development and rating system of violent video games through videos and keynote speeches. On the other hand, by offering the viewers the experience of actually playing violent video games, the exhibition conveys that the very player, rather than the game setting, makes the final decision of “shoot or not shoot.”
This exhibition sincerely invites players, parents, and their children to explore this serious issue to which our daily life closely related. This exhibition may serve as an effective outlet for our pressure as well as a more profound understanding of the society. I have to apologize for not having enough time to install the exhibition. Please feel free to make your comments.
Brief Biography of the Curator: RainReader Liang
Liang was born in Tainan. He has been having an indissoluble bond with video games and comics since his childhood. He tries to integrate contemporary entertainment and popular culture into the content of courses, pass pluralistic knowledge genealogies on students, and promotes the study of ACG culture as a discipline. His research primarily focuses on modern intellectuals’ ideologies and cultural theory. He also writes columns and game walkthroughs for print media and websites. He used to serve as the vice CEO of GaMavi and the webmaster of GaMavi video game information. He teaches currently in National Chiao Tung University and Tunghai University, and serves as the director of U-ACG in MediaBrilliance System Corporation. He is also the curator of Taipei Game Art Exhibition.
另外,10月 18 日將於國立交通大學 舉行第三屆ACG學術論文發表會暨巴哈姆特論文獎,也歡迎您繼續期待參與。