Activision確認Sledgehammer Games正在開發2014年的決勝時刻,其系列的開發週期也從2年延長為3年。
Sledgehammer Games在網站討論區po文說道它們很榮幸能開發新一代的決勝時刻,希望能為該系列開啟新的章節:
:Five years ago, we started on the most exciting journey of our careers. Sledgehammer Games was built around a singular goal – to create world-class interactive entertainment that entertains millions of fans around the world. We have a passion for creating games and a team dedicated to achieving excellence in everything that we do.
Having the honor of developing the new, next generation of Call of Duty is a developer’s dream come true. All of us here at Sledgehammer Games have a shared vision to create the best work of our lives. The next Call of Duty represents a new era for this amazing franchise, and we look forward to sharing what we have been working on.
Today is just the beginning, there is so much more to come!
Activision CEO也說道它們需要第三個工作室來開發決勝時刻,來給開發者更多的時間來完成他們的遊戲,而Sledgehammer Games正好符合這條件:
“This will give our designers more time to envision and innovate for each title. Simultaneously, it will give our content creators more focus on DLC and micro-DLC which, as you know, have become large and high-margin opportunities and significant engagement drivers,” Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said during an annual earnings call today. “Finally, we’ll give our teams more time to polish, helping ensure we deliver the best possible experience to our fans – each and every time.”
Hirshberg went on to say that Activision “needed a third studio capable of delivering the level of excellence required for the West’s biggest interactive entertainment franchise” and that Sledgehammer Games fits the bill. “They demonstrated their skill on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and on their past highly-rated games.”
這項消息引起的反應褒貶不一,令人振奮的是這會給三個工作室更多的時間來完成遊戲,遊戲品質得以提升。但也另人質疑,畢竟是第一次由非treyarch 和 infinity ward的工作室製作,Sledgehammer Games能不能做出有異於treyarch 或 infinity ward風格的作品?