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作者:MeteraLi│2013-11-09 22:22:48│巴幣:0│人氣:136

ssassin’s Creed 4: 5 Reasons It Should Have Been About Connor

August 2, 2013 C.J.

1. The Native American Culture

One of the many reasons I was excited for AC3 was because our protagonist was of Native American descent. I thought this would allow us to see the lives of  a very unique race along with its culture. While Ubisoft didn’t do a diservice to the culture-in fact when then they did make nods towards it they were spot on-they didn’t really go in depth with the Connor’s people as much as I wanted it to.

Now granted, none of the games focused on the culture of the people so why should have AC3 do what the others didn’t? Well, if we take AC1, AC2 and ACB, their settings were unique enough to not need a focus on the cultures of the people. We witnessed the Third Crusade and the Italian Renaissance. Only Revelations and AC3 were dull in comparison but given the rather close timeline and location of Constantinople, there probably wasn’t too many differences to note. Even if there was, the game had Masyaf after 300 years of abandonment which is unique in its own way.

While the birth of America brought something different to offer, most people were very familiar with the setting which in turn made it lose some of its spark. This is where the Native Americans should have came into play. Most American history classes never go into depth about America’s first inhabitants(quite ironic) and unless you took a class only focused on them, the Natives’ histroy is relatively unknown to the public. With Ubisoft’s knack for making learning fun, it would’ve been interesting to see them dive deeper into the culture of Connor’s people, but sadly, we will never get that chance.
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