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作者:MeteraLi│2013-11-08 23:54:29│巴幣:0│人氣:141

Assassin’s Creed 4: 5 Reasons It Should Have Been About Connor

August 2, 2013 C.J.
2. Side Character Development/Interactions

Another interesting aspect that a Connor-based game could touch on would be side characters.

While most characters in AC3 would be older than Connor or dead(George Washington dies in 1799) it would be nice to see how they get along. Maybe Ellen’s daughter could see Connor as a role model or father figure, and we could see if Norris and Myriam stood the test of time or got a divorce or see if one of them are widowed.  It would also be interesting to see what Connor thinks of the commanding officers of the war and to see if President James Madison can become popular with Connor. I am not sure if Connor would be able to interact with any commanding figures of the war-he could play a ghost-like part in it, but any interactions with the characters of the Homestead would be more than enough.

We also have the Brotherhood to acknowledge as well. Remember that Connor did gain followers of the Creed throughout the game and if you interacted with them in you know each have their own unique personality. It would be interesting to see how they get along with Connor because he will most likely be in charge of the Creed. Or, if we go with my peaceful theory, he could have gave that responsibility to someone else.

Not to mention, if the Creed flourished after the Revolution, we could see the Homestead serve as their headquarters. The War of 1812 had battles that took place in New Orleans, which would serve as a nice way for Connor to meet with Aveline once again(their first encounter took place in Liberation) so the possibilities are endless.

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