
6 GP

Amon Amarth-War Of The Gods (Cover)

作者:Acy│2013-09-22 20:31:28│巴幣:30│人氣:415

MH4出了之後 生活越來越充實了!? 不過還是要Cover一下
Amon Amarth Dark tranquillity  算是國外



Amon Amarth 的歌都很對我的胃口

他們今年也有發新CD,新歌 Father of Wolf 也很讚~


Gear: Aglie septor Elite 727 → Pod HD 500x → Cubase5

還在練習熟悉500x的好用 哈~



War, the very first war of our world,
When the treacherous witch was killed
Three times burned and three times born,
By searing flames was Gullveig torn.

Death, Odin hurled his spear off with great force
Deep into the great vana-fyrd
battle horns gave up their sound
And Asgard walls razed to the ground.

The Vanir felt deceived
Höne was a fool
without Mímir at his side
Höne could not rule
In a fit of violent rage
Mímir's blood was shed
and to Odin's court they sent Mímir's severed head

Truce, so a brittle and frail peace was forged
And to ensure that the peace remained.
Njordr and Freyr to Asgard came
and Hön' and Mim to Vanaheim

Death, see the furious gods wanting blood,
Odin knew that a raging war
would not bring them any gain
Just leave a black and bitter stain.

Odin tog huvudet och
smorde det med örter
som hindrar det
från att ruttna
han kvad sedan
trollsånger över det
så att Mimer åter
kunde tala till honom

[English translation:]
Odin took the head, and anointed it with herbs
which prevents it from rotting
he sang his magic songs over it
so that Mimer be able to speak to him

The Vanir felt deceived
Höne was a fool
without Mímir at his side
Höne could not rule
In a fit of violent rage
Mímir's blood was shed
and to Odin's court they sent Mímir's severed head

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


同標籤作品搜尋:電吉他|HD500x|電吉他|效果器|Agile|七弦|Amon Amarth

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