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【歌詞】David Guetta - Titanium ft. Sia

作者:胖胖抖│2013-08-28 07:46:23│巴幣:10│人氣:348

作詞:Sia Furler
作曲:David Guetta、Giorgio Tuinfort、Nick Van De Wall

You shout it loud
But I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud not saying much
I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet,you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
I am titanium...

Cut me down
But it's you who'll have further to fall
Ghost town and haunted love
Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones
I'm talking loud not saying much

I'm bulletproof nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet,you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
I am titanium...

Stone-hard, machine gun
Firing at the ones who run
Stone-hard, as bulletproof glass

You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


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前一篇:【歌詞】艾薇兒-Toge... 後一篇:【歌詞】David Gu...




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