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MAN WITH A MISSION - Mash up the DJ!

作者:薩堪德拉│2013-05-27 14:09:38│巴幣:0│人氣:389

作詞作曲:Jean-Ken Johnny

Hands up to mash up the DJ
Smash all you know make them shout it out loud
(粉碎一切! 你知道就要大家喊出來)

Hands up and clap to the DJ
Let all us rock and roll just start it give it to the crowd

Hands up to mash up the DJ
Smash all you know make us shout it out loud
(粉碎一切! 你知道就要大家喊出來)

Hands up and clap to the DJ
Let all us rock and roll and start it give it to me now

Pain killer we need one more, it's coming
(我們需要更多的麻醉, 它已經到來)
You want it bad to the bone I'll bet you lose your mind

Brain chiller the floor's now out of order
Kick out and crush the world and all that's left behind

Hands up to mash up the DJ
Smash all you know make us shout it out loud
(粉碎一切! 你知道就要大家喊出來)
Hands up and clap to the DJ
Let all them rock and roll Yeah

Yeah Yeah Yeah. You're now a part of me
(Yeah Yeah Yeah. 你現在跟我們是一份子)
Realize what you feel inside thee
Yeah you'll know what you are gonna see
(Yeah 你了解你想要看到甚麼)
Smash the floor and smash all to shout it out loud

Strange feeling is always there ya know it
We had enough of the shit I think I'll puke and cry
Change will never be there unless you get it yourself so
Kick out and crush the world and all what's left behind

Yeah Yeah Yeah. You're now a part of me
(Yeah Yeah Yeah. 你跟我們是同夥的)
Realize what you feel inside thee
Yeah you'll know what you are gonna see
(Yeah 你了解你想要看到甚麼)
Smash the floor and smash all to shout it out loud
Now let go. You're now a part of me
(現在就走吧 .你跟我們是同夥的)
Realize what you feel inside thee
I don't care so never fuck with me
Smash the world mash all and give it to the crowd
(把世界都粉碎掉 通通都混在一起再傳給人群)

Yeah Yeah Yeah. You're now a part of me
(Yeah Yeah Yeah. 你跟我們是同夥的)
Realize what you feel inside thee
Yeah you'll know what you are gonna see
(Yeah 你了解你想要看到甚麼)
Smash the floor and smash all to shout it out loud
Now let go. You're now a part of me
(現在就走吧 .你跟我們是同夥的)
Realize what you feel inside thee
I don't care so never fuck with me
Smash the world mash all and give it to the crowd
(把世界都粉碎掉 通通都混在一起再傳給人群)

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


同標籤作品搜尋:MWAM|Mash up the DJ!|MAN WITH A MISSION|MASH UP the world

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前一篇:【翻譯】MAN WITH... 後一篇:【翻譯】Rainbow ...



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