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[情報] MJ私人畫家David Nordahl的談話-5

作者:七月半之鴨│2013-04-08 01:59:27│巴幣:8│人氣:423
作者ChesterB (很難想)看板KingofPop
標題Re: [情報] MJ私人畫家David Nordahl的談話
時間Tue Sep 14 11:11:22 2010
He also remembers his friend Michael Jackson as someone who “never complained,” despite the cruel hand he had been dealt with his skin disease, vitiligo. We talked about that somewhat because I was curious after having read Nordahl’s USA Todayinterview where he mentioned that Michael’s  vitiligo was already in a very advanced state when he first met him-in 1988!
他還說到麥可是個永遠都不會抱怨的人 雖然他得了白斑症 他說他的症狀在1988年就很嚴重了
At that time, in 1988, he described Michael as someone whose face was already splotched like a cow, and that the effects of the disease were plainly visible on his body. I was very interested to know more about this, because to the world, Michael Jackson in 1988 still looked relatively “normal.”
Yes, we could tell he was getting lighter. But it was not yet blatantly obvious that something drastic was going on.
“So you’re saying, as early as 1988, he was already splotched over a large percentage of his body, including his face?”
“Oh yes. Yes. When I met him, it was already all the way down the right side of his neck. And on his right hand, as far as I could see, going all the way up his arm.” But he did note it was hard to know how much further the disease had progressed up his arm, “since he always wore those long-sleeved, corduroy shirts.” Those, of course, were the well known (mostly red; occasionally blue) long-sleeved shirts that he began wearing in the late 80′ s and early 90′s. The shirts came in handy for concealing his condition.
他說當他見到MJ時 MJ右半邊的臉和脖子到手能看見的地方都是 當然他穿長袖來遮他的手臂 也就是他常常穿的那件紅色或藍色襯衫
“Of course, as he developed more blotches, he had to go with lighter and lighter makeup to cover it.”
他因為有越來越多的淡斑 所以他只能用比較淺的妝來遮蓋
We discussed how vitiligo completely robs the skin of pigment. I mentioned how even Oprah Winfrey had said that looking at Michael’s skin was “like looking at someone who was transluscent; you could see all the way through to the blue veins.”
在歐普拉的節目中 歐普拉說麥可的皮膚整個透明 好像可以看到血管一樣
He said that Oprah’s assessment was true. That’s what it was like.
他表示歐普拉的說法是正確的 就像那樣
It was never a case of Michael wanting to be white. “White people have pigment,” he said, which is something I have also said on many occasions when I still run across those who think Michael bleached his skin. “Look at your skin, and look at mine. But now…look at that piece of paper there.” He pointed to the sheet of typing paper I was jotting my notes on. “That sheet of paper right there…imagine someone whose skin is as white as that paper.”
麥可從沒想要變白人 白人也有色素 像你我這樣 當我碰到說麥可想漂白皮膚的人時 我就會說 看看你 看看我 再看看一張紙 想像有人的皮膚能白的像紙一樣
“Michael always considered himself very ugly,” he said.
他也說到 麥可總覺得自己很醜
I said I found it so hard to believe why. “He was beautiful,” I said.
“But he never saw it that way. He thought he was extremely ugly. He was always wanting to look like what he called “normal people.”
大衛說: 但他不這麼看待 他總是覺得他非常醜 他總是想要看起來更像所謂的"正常人"
You would think that a disease like vitiligo would have completely crushed such a fragile self-esteem. But it didn’t.
“I never once heard him complain.He never said, ‘Why me?’
但大衛說我從沒聽過他抱怨 他從沒說 為什麼是我
For twenty years, David saw his friend fight the ravages of this disease, along with all of the misunderstanding and ridicule that came with it. “He always knew who he was, he knew he was black.”
麥可一直知道他是甚麼樣的人 他知道他是黑人
Apparently, it was the rest of the world that needed reminding of that fact. Not Michael.
事實上不是麥可 而是這個世界上的其他人需要被提醒這個事實
亂七八糟 大略翻一下 大家加減看了
In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope.
In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort.
In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream.
In a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.
~~~~By Michael Jackson
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◆ From:
推 jeserena:看完最後這篇 真的覺得很難過..... 09/14 11:18
※ 編輯: ChesterB  來自: 11:22)
推 losesoul01:感謝翻譯和分享 的很令人難過... 09/14 11:23
推 hcshin:到現在還有人堅信MJ是漂白的 可悲+痛心 09/14 12:08
→ hcshin:最可惡的是些有自稱是MJ好友的人 在MJ過世後還出書說MJ長年09/14 12:15
→ hcshin:塗抹讓膚色變白的化學藥劑 09/14 12:16
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同標籤作品搜尋:Michael Jackson|麥可傑克森

留言共 2 篇留言

因為都是一塊塊的班 目前只能靠化妝抹平補救
更重要得是 這到底有什麼好笑跟了不起?

確實 這的確不是什麼了不起的大事
換做一般人 也會是很受不了的行為
畢竟 人不可能完全屏除與論在外

話說 自從我開始去研究MJ的事情後

到現在還是有很多人相信漂白一事= ="
而我有機會 則會多跟人解釋何為白斑症XD"..

04-08 02:16


04-15 16:37


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