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作者:樹│2013-04-01 22:41:14│巴幣:24│人氣:943

窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady part)


  窈窕淑女從1938年版的賣花女到1956、1964有三種,其中1938年版為黑白電影,而1956年為音樂劇,1964年電影音樂劇則是由奧黛莉赫本(Audrey Hepburn)主演,詮釋賣花女伊萊莎·杜立德 (Eliza Doolittle),小時候看過的版本就是這部!窈窕淑女是愛爾蘭劇作家蕭伯納的作品,以羅馬神話其中一段故事為藍本創作而出。


Wouldn't It Be Loverly--最喜愛的一首!
Wouldn't It be Loverly? by
It's rather dull in town, I think I'll take me to Paree.
The mistress wants to open up
The castle in Capri.
Me doctor recommends a quiet summer by the sea!
Mmmm, Mmmm, wouldn't it be loverly?
Eliza All I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from the cold night air.
With one enormous chair,
Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?
Lots of choc'lates for me to eat,
Lots of coal makin' lots of 'eat.
Warm face, warm 'ands, warm feet,
Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?
Aow, so loverly sittin' abso-bloomin'-lutely still.
I would never budge 'till spring
Crept over me windowsill.
Someone's 'ead restin' on my knee,
Warm an' tender as 'e can be. 'ho takes good care of me,
Aow, wouldn't it be loverly?
Loverly, loverly, loverly, loverly



The Rain in Spain by
Servants Poor Professor Higgins!
Poor Professor Higgins! Night and day
He slaves away! Oh, poor Professor Higgins!
All day long On his feet; Up and down until he's numb;
Doesn't rest; Doesn't eat;
Doesn't touch a crumb! Poor Professor Higgins!
Poor Professor Higgins! On he plods Against all odds;
Oh, poor Professor Higgins! Nine p.m. Ten p.m.
On through midnight ev'ry night.
One a.m. Two a.m. Three...! Quit, Professor Higgins!
Quit, Professor Higgins! Hear our plea
Or payday we Will quit, Professor Higgins!
Ay not I, O not Ow, Pounding pounding in our brain.
Ay not I, O not Ow, Don't say "Rine," say "Rain"...
Eliza The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!
Henry By George, she's got it! By George, she's got it!
Now, once again where does it rain? Eliza On the plain!
On the plain! Henry And where's that soggy plain?
Eliza In Spain! In Spain! The three
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain! Henry
In Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire...?
Eliza Hurricanes hardly happen.
How kind of you to let me come! Henry
Now once again, where does it rain?
Eliza On the plain! On the plain! Henry
And where's that blasted plain?
Eliza In Spain! In Spain! The three
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!

年輕追求者(Jeremy Brett飾演)向女主角表達欽慕之意,這位演員在中年時期更是扮演史上最有名偵探-福爾摩斯,他所詮釋的福爾摩斯被多數福爾摩斯迷認定最經典也最符合原著精神與設定的版本。

Show Me by
Freddy Speak and the world is full of singing,
And I'm winging Higher than the birds.
Touch and my heart begins to crumble,
The heaven's tumble, Darling, and I'm... Eliza Words!
Words! Words! I'm so sick of words!
I get words all day through;
First from him, now from you! Is that all you blighters can do?
Don't talk of stars Burning above; If you're in love,
Show me! Tell me no dreams
Filled with desire. If you're on fire,
Show me! Here we are together in the middle of the night!
Don't talk of spring! Just hold me tight!
Anyone who's ever been in love'll tell you that
This is no time for a chat! Haven't your lips
Longed for my touch? Don't say how much,
Show me! Show me! Don't talk of love lasting through time.
Make me no undying vow. Show me now!
Sing me no song! Read me no rhyme!
Don't waste my time, Show me!
Don't talk of June, Don't talk of fall!
Don't talk at all! Show me!
Never do I ever want to hear another word.
There isn't one I haven't heard.
Here we are together in what ought to be a dream;
Day one more word and I'll scream!
Haven't your arms Hungered for mine?
Please don't "expl'ine," Show me! Show me!
Don't wait until wrinkles and lines
Pop out all over my brow,
Show me now!

I Could Have Danced All Night by
Eliza Bed! Bed! I couldn't go to bed!
My head's too light to try to set it down! Sleep! Sleep!
I couldn't sleep tonight.
Not for all the jewels in the crown!
I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things I've never done before.
I'll never know What made it so exciting;
Why all at once My heart took flight. I only know when he
Began to dance with me I could have danced,
danced, danced all night!
Servant 1 It's after three now.
Servant 2 Don't you agree now,
She ought to be in bed.
Eliza I could have danced all night!
I could have danced all night!
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings
And done a thousand things I've never done before.
I'll never know What made it so exciting.
Why all at once my heart took flight.
I only know when he
Began to dance with me.
I could have danced, danced danced all night!
Mrs. Pearce I understand, dear.
It's all been grand, dear.
But now it's time to sleep.
Eliza I could have danced all night,
I could have danced all night.
And still have begged for more.
I could have spread my wings,
And done a thousand things I've never done before.
I'll never know What made it so exciting.
Why all at once my heart took flight. I only know when he
Began to dance with me I could have danced, danced,
danced All night!



Ascot Gavotte by
Ladies and Gentlemen
Ev'ry duke and earl and peer is here
Ev'ryone who should be here is here.
What a smashing, positively dashing
Spectacle: the Ascot op'ning day.
At the gate are all the horses
Waiting for the cue to fly away.
What a gripping, absolutely ripping
Moment at the Ascot op'ning day.
Pulses rushing! Faces flushing!
Heartbeats speed up! I have never been so keyed up!
And second now They'll begin to run. Hark!
A bell is ringing, They are springing Forward Look!
It has begun...! What a frenzied moment that was!
Didn't they maintain an exhausting pace?
'Twas a thrilling, absolutely chilling Running of the
Ascot op'ning race.






   最後加贈一曲:Moon River 奧黛莉赫本在第凡內早餐(Breakfast at Tiffanys)親唱版本

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


同標籤作品搜尋:心得|奧黛莉赫本|電影|音樂劇|歌舞片|悲慘世界|My Fair Lady part|Jeremy Brett|Audrey Hepburn|音樂劇系列

留言共 8 篇留言


04-01 23:04

高職音樂課我們都在唱望春風,除了考音調還考發音,最不會唱歌的說...04-02 00:58
兩個男人都很....渣 = =

04-01 23:27

老就算了~還食古不化,大男人又不尊重女性,女主角應該是瞎了眼或者是心有問題還是哪根腦筋斷了才會愛上教授....XDDDD04-02 00:53
這故事, 其實就是麻雀變鳳凰. ^__^

04-02 01:06

其實涵義上是指愛上自己塑造出來的形象囉~以教授而言就是他愛上自己塑造出來的女主角,如同愛上自己最完美的作品.04-02 01:13

但是自己的作品卻有著自己的個性,為了能夠留住女主角,他也必須有所改變,否則獨立自主的女主角定會離去!女主角雖是賣花女,卻有自己明確想走的路,他不需要依附在男人身邊也能養活自己,談不上麻雀變鳳凰,倒是兩性之間與雙方門第間這部份劇情上探討的很有趣!04-02 01:35
可說是自己喜歡上自己的「作品」吧? ^__^
說到底, 很難說是獨立自主.
因為獨立自主的話, 一開始就不應接受訓練了.

04-02 02:29

本來就只是一場打賭,賭局過後,女主角仍選擇過自己的生活,何來變鳳凰之說?04-02 22:14
還是一樣經典 而且不脫流行

04-02 16:21

的確~有些電影就是越看越有味道~無關時代變遷.04-03 17:05
奧黛莉赫本  好正

04-05 03:14

他的美很脫俗很耐看!!!不管年輕或年老,氣質一樣讓人舒服!!!04-05 22:11

04-05 03:30

好逑雙物語~花哈哈04-05 22:12

05-13 12:47


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