
1 GP

8AM - coldrain

作者:緋│2010-04-15 03:08:14│巴幣:2│人氣:665

作詞 : Masato
作曲 : Y.K.C・Masato

I can't remember why
We stayed up until 4AM
We talked about
Nothing important and then made love
The birds wake up we close our eyes
The birds wake up we close our eyes

I love how she calls my name
Inside her dream
Kiss's me still half asleep
I wish that we could stay like this
At 8AM

Time flies
I can't remember
The first time that we met
Now I need her
Like I know she needs me too
It can't get much better then this
It can't get much better then this

I love how she calls my name
Inside her dream
Kiss's me still half asleep
Don't I wish that we could stay like this
At 8AM
I stop the alarm to watch her sleep and think I'd do anything
If I could make this time rewind forever
To 7:59

I love how she calls my name
Inside her dream
Kiss's me still half asleep
Don't I wish that we could stay like this
At 8AM
I stop the alarm to watch her sleep and think I'd do anything

If I could make this time rewind forever

經過深入了解後 發現是某神拳的ED ....orz
這首完整的長度是3:27 請支持正版!
ITunes Final Destination coldrain
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