
7 GP


作者:likwueron│2012-10-21 20:07:47│巴幣:14│人氣:878




Hey, good night dude. It's me!(That's Japanese)
The Silent Town seems published at about 2008.
It is a game created by a person who published it in RPG maker forum in Baha. (He use RPG maker 2003 to created this game)
Then... someday... Well, In that time(2008) I was new to broadcasting and had few live game show, so I had no choice but to broadcast such game.
After I chose this game, The Silent Town, to broadcast, the game's author came to my channel and watch that video. It suprised me.
Then, the author said that he will created the second one for me.
Well, this give me a feel like "What the *" um...
Then, he really um... hey yes, he really made it out, the full version of the second one.
Ok, he kept his promise, so I can just er... you know.
Keep my promise, either. hey hey.
Well, I have no choice but to play and give it a live game show.
The first one made me a bit brain bleeding.
Did you agree with me? haha...

Question mark X3.
He looks... so sorry.
Who he is? A useless mod?
No way... Ah... um... No, I can't go back because I requested to go here.
Hello~ Ebelione(Hello everyone), here come me.
Ah, finally, you come here, then we can start it.
Er... This openning is strange...
Screen looks purple
What is truth?
Something I never care about... is truely the real thing...
Although I don't know what the true is... I must know what it is.
This is what I must know...
Even if I must pay a considerable price, I would like to know that.
Do you really want to know that?
The things what you don't know is what I known well.
What a ridiculous plot!

(He enter a plain)
Sartis? Why he looks so handsome? Is there any problem on my eyes?
Eh? Rukai! He looks handsome, either.
Sir... Is it a town without people? Why we go here?
You stupid! We come here to ensure there is no one live here.
Linna! She looks so beautiful like a person who came from another world. That's madness!
People who have no money or the exiled will come to a godforsaken place like this to live.
Eh? He is not a useless mod
Oh? We got a newbie. What's your name?

(Name choosing screen)
Eh? Oh? Hey! I can give him a name! ha ha ha ha!
Ok, We can give him a name. Guys. Is there any idea?
DaDa?(The great)
huh ha ha ha. What a Da.
Da Zhoung Tai?
ha ha ha ha ha. Well, Da Zhong Tian sounds good. (first one: big; second one: middle; third one: sky)
Do this name sounds arrogant?
Ah, page 2? It give me two pages!
Er... How can I do? I have no idea on his name.
Ah... giving name spend too much time. I don't know when will we finish it.
There is no ideal name can choose from this table although there is many characters. How can I do?
Then...just let me give him a name at will.
Let's call him... Da Zhong Tian!
Ok ok ok, he called Da Zhong Tian, so be it! (This name is nonsense)
I sick of this task.

(return to the game)
My name is Da Zhong Tian.
He really named Da Zhong Tian. Oh no!
Da Zhong Tian? Wellcome to join us.
Congratulation! Da Zhong Tian! Hey HAHAHAHHAHAHA
Now press Space to Attack by meele and press Shift to attack by laser gun.
And press Esc to open your items bag.
Well, press Space to attack? It doesn't work. Does he attack? Is that hint true?
Is there any attack action? How to you think about that?
Hey! I press Space again and again!

(Area I)
Hey! Did you said that's a horror game? I don't think it is a horror game so far.
OH! OH! OH! A man show up!
Hey man! What's up?
Sa... Sartis.
How things going?
It seems that you didn't find anyone here, right?
Er... No, I didn't.
Don't worry. They may hide in somewhere.
These furnitures in houses here is too complete to imagine this town is abandoned.
Yeah. There maybe had something happended.
Ah... The posibility is high.
Is it... Ah! Oh! Oooh! This dialog sounds stupid.

(Area I: In a room)
Oooh! you are... Great! Finally, I found a villager!
What's goning on? Are you ok?
What's wrong with you! Why you bit me?
AH! I will become a zombie! Are you crazy?
The first battle is taking place in this room.
Look at the right side, there is a terrible zombie trying to reach my side.
He is wearing an orange and green interleaved clothes with long hair.
Now, he is trying to reach and bit me.
I feel very sick.
How can we fight with him?
Ok, time to start our fist fierce fighting.
First, press Shift to fire laser gun!
Oh? It seems useless!
Why I got such suck laser gun? Actually, I don't know the reason.
Ok, press Space to attack by meele so let's use Space to attack.
Wo.. er.. It's ME attacked by the zombie!
Oh! I did it! I saw the character attack that zombie!
However, I though it is... is just a ???(根本只是普通的換血)
Eh? I won! I'm a skillful fighter! 不愧是空白鍵

(Area I: meet someone)
It scared me
A mysterious woman?
Do I see you in a fighting game before?
Is it my illusion?
Hey! She run away
The fighting game character ran away...

(Area I: )
Oh! Here comes a... no... two zombies
Well, this room looks like... Oh!Ah!Eh!Yo!
I was almost die from surrounding
However, with my skillful movement, that's nothing!
Hey, skillful movement, skillful movement...
隔山打... 隔山打不到
Er ah...
Er ah...
GG!(Good game: I loss)

Oops Oh Oh Oh
She looks like a Sister
Are you resident here?
A woman says: Are you outosidoru(outsider)?
Right! I'm Da Zhong Tian
Huh HA HA HA HA HA HA Hey Hey Hey
Why your mom give you such ridiculous name, Da Zhong Tian?

Ok, we should go back from far away...
This map design is just waste of time...
Do you agree with me, author?
You are watching my live show, are you?
God D* It
Well, having said that, I'll play it to the ending.

You'll be killed!
Run away to a safe area!
Then, he run away after saying that...
What did he say? Is there any monster?
Do you not see those creatures you encountered are monster?
Da Zhoug Tia! Are you disgruntled because your mom give you such name?
Then, with your disgruntled, you ignored those monster-like creature?
Do they not look like monster?
Are they human?
Besides, you have already kill hundreds of them!

Ok, let's unlock The Fearsome Gate
Oh... one more zombie!
It's time to open The Fearsome Gate!
OOOOh I'm fear!
Well, she just the mysterious woman that... that we encountered before
I just try to lure you and didn't think you really track me.
Hey Hey Hey
What did you mean? Could this stranged world be...
Ah... Where are you going!
Who he is? A bold guy!
Your Majesty, my lord. Someone came to our town.
THE BOLD GUY turn round!
Who are you? Why you appear in my town and crying out to me?
Your Majesty, my lord. This man come here to destroy peace in our town.
He's an intruder who want to spoil your authority.
What did you say? 我是搜救隊的人
I'm here to help to leave here! There will be a disaster three days later!
What disaster?
He IS the man who lead the disaster. We cannot allow him destroy this town.
Bite your tongue!
What a rude kid.
Your majesty, my lord. Let me deal with him.
An incredible bald guy!
Oh, the door close again! Dokodemo door! Dokodemo door!
Tell me who are you!
You can call me Dark Witch.
Hum uh uh hahahahaha
Do you want to buy the Death Hat? Huh?
A hat that add 140 magic attack? Huh?

Dot X3 hum...
You snort to me? Ah!
And you run through me?
Why you snort to me and run through me? That's irrational.
You should bypass me, right?
Sartise, Linna...she...
Don't worry. Linna just said that she found another key.
Simply put, Linna is a key production machine.
Where the key produce from, her nose?

(Area 2: Comparative Gate)
What does it say?
The Bigger Gate.
Oh, wrong, The Comparative Gate.
Poof hum hahahahahaha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
The Comparative Gate.
Oh no, I speak incoherently...

Oh! Ah!
Author! Did you see THAAAAAAT?
I told you there are some flaws is this game! That's a BIG flaw!
Well, it neither a flaw nor a bug.
THIS GAME IS JUST... Fu... what the
Um! Un! UUm! Oh! Oh!

(Area2: Boss)
Ah! Heh!
Hey dude!
I think the skill of this Boss is harder to deal with.
That thing will rotate.
Er Oh Heh... I'll be GG
Er.. Ah... I'm TOO... too careless...
PMingLiU (Means GG because game over message using the font PMingLiU)
Some rights reserved. 姓名標示-非商業性 2.5 台灣



留言共 2 篇留言

你應該把最經典的部分加上中文在旁邊, 我也想看你怎翻.

像是 兩人小套房那一段


黑暗女巫 嘿女巫 按女巫 巫


02-13 23:41

不過最近心不在這邊,大概要過很久了。02-14 00:05
還有 辛苦你了

02-13 23:44


7喜歡★iqandadie 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

前一篇:平時混太大了...... 後一篇:今天兩則新聞...




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