English Version英文版_
-TITLE: Unreachable Sword-PART ONE
"At the edge of the world, they are still fighting, somewhere that is not reachable..."says Senn, at the Great Halley Crater.New Calendar Year 2784, 1P/Halley comet stroke into the Polar Region in The Northern Hemisphere. The unknown crystal-like substance it carried were discovered and then clarified of having a significant military value. According to its shape, scientists named it "Sword Crystal",("Scrystal" in abbreviation).
The 3300 men of an investigation group of Republic of Realand were confirmed death after a few weeks, reason: brain nerve system infection caused by Scrystal.
The Republic lately claimed a war with its neighbour, the Tulpenia Empire, saying"bringing peace to the continent and push the invaders back." But what was truly hidden behind, was an experiments lasted for centuries.
When teenage students were experimental subjects treated as consumables, their consciousness was used in war machines, the war was no longer a war.
14 teenagers who escaped from Republic's experimental bases, were making their way to the comet impact crater in the very north region, hoping to unearth the truth of everything. And I, a regular student, somehow was one of them.

Chinese Version中文版_
-小說名:《彼岸之劍-Unreachable Sword》
760年後的未來, 哈雷慧星運行第十個週期時, 墜落地球...
幾天後, 撞擊坑的全新物質, 代號“sword crystal”的有著極具科技, 軍事利用價值的血紅劍形結晶體, 被發現. 隨後, 共和國派遣的3300名科考人員, 確認死亡, 死因: 腦神經連接斷裂...
在科技高度發達的Realand共和國的首都Vire Tual, 高中生零, 於共同生活的另外姐弟二人, 蓮和楓, 進入了首都頂尖高校The High School of Vire Tual.
人在夢境中, 時間的流動是可控的. 三年的高中 ,真的是三年嗎?
在這個學校中, 學生就是實驗體, 就是消耗. 大腦意識信息被提取, 意味著一個個體在這個世界上的存在, 被徹底抹去.
共和國軍前線的BC-24O形單兵作戰機甲的全封閉式控制艙內, 是否還殘留的有前幾年前「畢業」學生的意識呢...
而永無止境的戰爭能留下的, 只有虛無飄渺的悲哀...
Cover 封面概念圖_
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