作詞:陳沒 作曲:五月天怪獸
能不能蒙上眼睛 就可以不傷心
能不能蒙上眼睛 就可以不傷心
If I cover my eyes, can I stop grieving?
能不能脫下面具 還可以很狠心
If I remove my mask, can I still be cruel?
如果不是遇見你 我不可能相信
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have believed
生命有一種一定 一定要愛下去
that there is something you must do in life, which is to love unconditionally
that there is something you must do in life, which is to love unconditionally
愛可以相知相許 相依為命
Love let us know each other, be together
but we had to resign ourselves to fate
愛可以心有靈犀 動魄驚心
Love connect us, impact us
Yet fate will still tear us apart
我屬於 你的注定
I'm destined to meet you
不屬於 我的命運
but we aren't destined to last
不要命 不要清醒
I don't wanna wake up even if it kills me
so I can still embrace you tightly in my dreams
so I can still embrace you tightly in my dreams
愛寫出 我的詩經
The poem I wrote signifies my love for you
算不出 我的命運
but it can't read my fortune
你給我的命 下一輩子 再還你
The life you gave me, I'll return it in my next life.
如果能如影隨形 誰願意一意孤行
The life you gave me, I'll return it in my next life.
如果能如影隨形 誰願意一意孤行
If I can stay with you, who'd want to be alone?
如果能變成螞蟻 我願意趨近於零
If I can became an ant, I still want to be with you
冥冥中明明是你 明明還不死心
Somehow I know it's you, I still can't let go
生命是一個謎語 因為你而懸疑
Life is a riddle, it's a mystery because of you.
最初的一心一意 深信不疑
Life is a riddle, it's a mystery because of you.
最初的一心一意 深信不疑
From the start, I wholeheartedly believe
I can't go on without you.
最後的情非得已 身不由己
In the end, I can't help it
當物換星移 今夕是何夕
Without you, I don't care that time passes and the world changes
我屬於 你的注定
I'm destined to meet you
不屬於 我的命運
but we aren't destined to last
不要命 不要清醒
I don't wanna wake up even if it kills me
so I can still embrace you tightly in my dreams
愛寫出 我的詩經
The poem I wrote signifies my love for you
算不出 我的命運
but it can't read my fortune
你給我的命 下一輩子 再還你
The life you gave me, I'll return it in my next life.
我屬於 你的注定
The life you gave me, I'll return it in my next life.
我屬於 你的注定
I'm destined to meet you
不屬於 我的命運
but we are not destined to last
不要命 不離不棄
I won't leave you even if it kills me
Even in the storm, love still goes on silently
愛寫出 我的詩經
The poem I wrote signifies my love for you
算不出 我的命運
but it can't predict my destiny
你借我的命 還給天地 還給你
The life you once lent me, I now give it back to this world, back to you