
Dota 2 gibberish as of 7.37d

MRnok14L | 2024-09-20 02:14:45 | 巴幣 100 | 人氣 139

**Disclaimer** Just gibberish. Below ideas are both out-of-context and isolated (may not be reflecting existing meta nor trying to form any).

**Viewing on desktop is advised for the bulletin format to work properly.


  • New item.
  • Require:
    • Ring of Protection
    • Ring of Regen
    • Sage's Mask
    • Total cost: 525g
    • Can be disassembled.
  • Provide:
    • +2 Armor
    • +1.75 health regen
    • +0.7 mana regen

  • New item.
  • Require:
    • Magic Wand
    • Ornate Doodads
    • 175g Recipe
    • Total cost: 1150g
    • Can be disassembled.
  • Provide:
    • +3 str
    • +3 agi
    • +3 int
    • +2 armor
    • +3.5 health regen
    • +1.4 mana regen
  • Active - Energy Charge
    • Identical to Magic Wand active, except the base cooldown is lowered from 15s to 13s (same as Holy Locket).


  • Shuriken Toss
    • Also does an instant-attack on the primary target, dealing 25% self attack damage. If Jinaada is off-cooldown, it will apply 2 times on the primary target through Scepter upgrade.
    • Damage from 100/170/240/320 to 80/140/200/260.

  • Sinister Gaze
    • Scepter upgrade: At the end of channeling, creates a Frost Blast AoE aiming at the center.

  • Pulse Nova
    • Each hit against an enemy creep/hero briefly increases radius by 5/25 for 2s.

  • Pierce the Veil
    • Also, for the first 1/2/3 attacks after activating Pierce the Veil, grants +300 attack speed and a special version of Gunslinger that has 100% proc chance with +1 target. Can only multi-hit the a single unit up to 2 times per attack, which is hitting the primary target 2 times plus another target for 1 time, or hitting 3 targets at once.

  • Disruption
    • Alt-cast: Wave the command of the illusions over to the target teammate.

  • Essence Shift
    • Passively charges up once a while to apply 2 stacks at once. Cooldown refreshes upon getting kill or assist. Cooldown: 26/20/14/8.

  • Overgrowth
    • The first 1/1.5/2s of the debuff is undispellable.

  • Ravage
    • Also affects buildings (but not Fountain), applying 0.5x damage and stun to them.


  • "No one knows why roses are prone to get plucked, but this one is seeking to avenge them... through assassination."
  • Agility, melee.
  • Stats
    • Str: 20 + 1.8
    • Agi: 25 + 3.4
    • Int: 15 + 1.8
    • BAT: 1.7
    • Attack point/backswing: 0.15/0.25
    • Base attack range: 150
    • Base attack damage: 26-33 (51-58 at lv1)
    • Base attack speed: 100
    • Base move speed: 295
    • Base armor: -2 (2 at lv1)
    • Base health regen: 1.5
    • Base mana regen: 0.25
    • Turn rate: 0.8
  • 0 - Poison Ivy
    • Innate Passive / Unbreakable - Treant Assassin's attack causes enemy to gain less health from regen, internal healing (self-heal) and lifesteal. External healing is unaffected. The duration will be refreshed and extended with each subsequent attack, up to a max.
      • Health gain reduction: 15%
      • Base duration: 3s
      • Duration per stack: 1s
      • Max duration: 15s
  • 1 - Vine Wave
    • Target point / Active - Send forth a wave of vines, damaging and slowing enemy units it passes through.

      The wave will stop on the first hero, ward or building it hit and cling on them for the same duration as the slow effect. While the wave is traveling or clinging, by using Vine Shuttle, caster may teleport to the current location of the wave.
      • Projectile speed: 800
      • Path width: 220
      • Damage: 60/100/140/180
      • MS slow: 50%
      • Slow duration: 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6s
      • Cast range: 1000
      • Mana cost: 55/60/65/70
      • Cooldown: 3.5s
  • 4 - Vine Shuttle
    • Disappear into vines then reappear at the current location of the vine wave. Does not disjoint incoming projectile. Vine Shuttle translocation takes 0.3s to complete, during which the caster becomes fully untargetable to even AoEs.

      * Caster is disabled during the translocation.
      • Cast time: 0s
      • Mana cost: none
      • Cooldown: 0s
  • 2 - Tree Trap
    • Target unit / Active - Place an hidden trap on the target tree or on self. The trap will reveal itself once an enemy is in the trigger radius for more than 1s, and begin to lash the area for a duration, dealing DPS, movement slow, and soft-leash to enemies. Lash DPS and slow effect will stack fully when multiple traps are lashing the same target.

      Can target buildings. Self-cast tree trap has less lifetime. Tree Trap will not be triggered by idling neutral units.

      *1 Soft-leash does not limit movement range but disables the use of traversal/blink/TP.
      • Trigger radius: 200
      • Lash radius: 400
      • Lash DPS: 15/25/35/45
      • MS slow: 6/9/12/15%
      • Lash duration: 5s
      • Trap lifetime (tree): 240s
      • Trap lifetime (self): 20s
      • Cast range: 600
      • Mana cost: 55/60/65/70
      • Cooldown: 19/17/15/13s
    • Shard upgrade - Increase lash duration by 1s. Alt-cast to plant a traped tree at target point with it immediately start lashing. Alt-cast tree takes 1s to grow and can be destroyed before grown up.
  • 3 - Anthesis
    • Active - Gain bonus movement speed and cause surrounding enemies to gain less health from regen, internal healing (self-heal) and lifesteal for a duration. The aura will heal the caster based on its current reduction on enemies. Yields 60% less healing from non-hero units.
      • Bonus MS: 20/30/40/50
      • Health gain reduction: 20%
      • Heal ratio: 15/30/45/60%
      • Radius: 700
      • Duration: 6s
      • Mana cost: 80
      • Cooldown: 19/17/15/13s
  • U - Deathly Blossom
    • No target / Active - Gain bonus attack damage and attack speed with the effect begin to rapidly decay starting on half of the buff duration. Buff is undispellable.

      Striking all surrounding enemy units with an instant-attack to each, dealing a percentage of self attack damage, and rooting them. Only applies attack modifier to targets within self attack range. Grants true sight over rooted enemies.

      Does not target invisible units or those in the fog of war, unless they are within 200 distance to a tree. Hits buildings, wards, as well as other trivial units (e.g. Undying Zombie and Weaver Beetle).
      • Bonus AD: 60/90/120
      • Bonus AS: 90/135/180
      • Buff duration: 6s
      • Strike radius: 500/600/700
      • Attack modifier range: 100% self attack range
      • Damage: 30/40/50% self attack damage
      • Root duration: 1.5/1.75/2.0s
      • Cast time: 0.2s+1.1s
      • Mana cost: 125/200/275
      • Health cost: 125/200/275
      • Cooldown: 40/30/20s
    • Scepter upgrade - Increase buff duration by 3s. Upon cast, create Anthesis aura for 3s, which can extend the duration of existing Anthesis aura. Increase Deathly Blossom damage ratio by 5% per tree destroyed (the number of tree stumps) in the strike radius.
  • Treant Assassin Talents
    • Lv10L "+15 Damage"
    • Lv10R "+60 Vine Wave Width"
    • Lv15L "+15 Health Regen"
    • Lv15R "-2s Tree Trap Cooldown"
    • Lv20L "Poison Ivy Pierce Immunity & Undispellable"
    • Lv20R "+15% Anthesis Health Gain Reduction"
    • Lv25L "+150 Deathly Blossom Modifier Range & +1 Close-range Strike"
      • Increase the apply range of attack modifiers. Deathly Blossom will target and hit enemy units in the attack modifier range again, after a 1s interval.
    • Lv25R "Remove Vine Wave Cooldown"

  • "As Zett followed the great fragments and crashlanded into the world below, the residual energy jolts the earth, and deep beneath that, a cosmically rare mineral was molten and imbued. For a very long time it was just a daz-minded conscious dwelling deep -- until the Great Quake finally shattered a case-hardened underdome. From which, a gem-scaled being... pure... reflective... awakened."
    • Would say these things:
      • To Earth Spirit: "Are you my earth cousin?"
      • To Tiny: "Are you my rock cousin?"
      • To Zett: "Are you my... dad?"
  • Uni hero, ranged.
  • Stats
    • Str: 16 + 1.6
    • Agi: 16 + 1.6
    • Int: 16 + 1.6
    • BAT: 1.6
    • Attack point/backswing: 0.3/0.4
    • Base RG: 525
    • Base AD: 16-18 (49-51 at lv1)
    • Base AS: 100
    • Base MS: 300
    • Base armor: 3 (5.6 at lv1)
    • Base hp regen: 0.5
    • Base mana regen: 0.5
    • Turn rate: 0.8
    • Vision (day/night): 1600/900
  • 0 - Paragon
    • Innate passive / Unbreakable - Gem is easier for allies to cast target-unit abilities upon, loosening the facing angle needed. The same is for enemies but harder.
      • Ally angle loosen 10°
      • Enemy angle tighten 5°
  • 1 - Focal Point
    • Passive - Gain cast range bonus while this ability is off cooldown. This component is unbreakable.
      • Cast range bonus: 50/100/150/200
    • Target unit / Affect Enemy / Pierce Immunity / Active - Channel a glaring beam at the target enemy for a short duration, dealing pure damage per second and slowing AS as well as MS. If the target is facing at you within 60 degrees from their PoV, the beam would stun for the channeling duration.
      • Cast time: 0.0+0.0
      • Max channel Time: 1.5s
      • Damage per second: 50/100/150/200
      • AS slow: 100
      • MS slow: 100%
      • Cast range: 500
      • Mana cost: 100/125/150/175
      • Cooldown: 10/10/10/10s
    • Shard upgrade - Widen the stun angle by 30 degrees. Allow the caster to move while channeling.
  • 2 - Mirror Strike
    • Passive - When attacking, copy a percentage of their current attack speed as bonus attack speed. This component is unbreakable. Attack speed buff is undispellable.

      *1 Will not copy attack speed that exceeds their attack speed limit.
      *2 Can only copy up to 100 attack speed from following sources: Hurricane Pike, Echo Sabre, Focus Fire, Moment of Courage, Unleash.
      • Passive AS copy: 10/20/30/40%
    • Active - Copy target’s attack modifiers for a duration. Cannot copy modifiers from Scepter or Shard. Copied modifiers are dispellable.
      • Duration: 2/3/4/5s
      • Active cast range: 450/500/550/600
      • Active mana cost: 80/95/110/125
      • Active cooldown: 16/14/12/10s
  • 3 - Prismatic
    • Passive - Gem’s pure divergent characteristics gives her bonus all stats. This component is unbreakable.

      Advanced passive - Gem can also attune into a particular side of hers for a variety of other attributes instead of all stats. This component is breakable; Attuned attributes will turn back to all stats while broken.

      There are 3 markers each weighs the same amount of potency in a radial menu. Use mouse cursor to drag any of them away from the center of the menu to attune up to one-third of the all stats potency into that side; The amount can be fine-tuned based on how far it is away from the center.

      Each side offers 3 attributes: Red side has health regen, mana regen and status resistance. Green has attack speed, movement speed and armor. Blue has cast range bonus, AoE bonus and magic resistance.

      Press and hold the hotkey to open the menu and left-click while the key is held to confirm selection. Release the key without clicking to cancel. When done selecting, it takes a brief moment for Gem complete the attunement.
      • Max all stats: 9/18/27/36
      • Max hp regen: 6/12/18/24
      • Max mana regen: 3/6/9/12
      • Max status resistance: 6/12/18/24%
      • Max attack speed: 6/12/18/24%
      • Max move speed 3/6/9/12%
      • Max armor: 6/12/18/24
      • Max cast range: 60/120/180/240
      • Max AoE: 30/60/90/120
      • Magic resistance: 6/12/18/24%
      • Mode switch delay: 0.9s
      • Mana cost: 30
      • Cooldown: 1s
  • U - Shine
    • No Target / Affect enemy & ally / Toggle - After a brief 1s preparation, Gem begins to shine fabulously, dealing a burst of pure damage to enemies in 750 radius facing at her within 120 degrees from their PoV, and healing allies the same way. Affected enemies are also stunned.

      While shining, constantly drain 3% self max health every second, gain true sight with the range equals 0.5x of self vision, and gain a chance to deal bonus pure damage with regular attacks.
      • Burst radius: 750
      • Burst damage: 125/225/325
      • Burst healing: 125/225/325
      • Stun duration: 1.0/1.3/1.6s
      • Pure damage chance: 30%
      • Bonus pure damage: 30/60/90
      • Activate mana cost: 125/175/225
      • Cooldown: 16/12/8s
    • Scepter upgrade - Non-facing enemies and allies still take 50% of the burst damage and healing. Increase the pure damage chance by 5%. While shining, gain flying movement and 35% flying vision (day 1600->560, night 900->315).
  • Talents
    • Lv10L "+300 Mana"
    • Lv10R "+1s Focal Point Max Channel"
    • Lv15L "+75 Shine Burst Heal/Damage"
    • Lv15R "Mirror Strike Active Copy Ally"
      • Allows casting on an ally to copy their attack modifiers.
    • Lv20L "+0.5x Shine True Sight Range Multiplier"
    • Lv20R "+100 Focal Point DPS"
    • Lv25L "+24 All Stats"
    • Lv25R "+60% Mirror Strike AS Copy"

  • "On a vast mountaintop perpetually surrounded by a storm of tempests, an ancient tribe of Wildwings have long made it their homestead by learning to counter-act the whirling wind in unison despite their earliest infights to contest the peak. With the wind too devastating even for wyverns and innate flyers alike, they flourished and remain hidden for ages.

    Through time, came a bright prodigy powerful enough to whirl all by herself. Afraid of that causing too great of a turbulence to the sheltering wind and the unity. The tribe's matriarch sent the barely of age child far off and to only return until she can tame her own flow.

    Thinking it's a good way to practice her wind-bending might, Sylph leaned into the war of the Ancients, where she quickly became very fond of the world being more turbulent than just the wind."
    • Bright-feathered like Sylph the brid.
  • Int hero, melee.
  • Stats
    • Str: 20 base +2.4 per level.
    • Agi: 24 base +2.4 per level.
    • Int: 27 base +3.0 per level.
    • BAT: 1.7
    • Attack point/backswing: 0.4/0.6
    • Base attack range: 150
    • Base attack damage: 25-30 (52-57 at lv1)
    • Base attack speed: 100
    • Base movement speed: 310
    • Base armor: 0
    • Base health regen: 0.25
    • Base mana regen: 0.5
    • Turn rate: 0.7
  • 0 - Tailwind
    • Innate passive / Breakable - Share a portion of bonus attack speed as well as move speed you have in a small radius around you.

      Levels up with: Monstrous Cyclone
      • Bonus AS share: 30/45/60%
      • Bonus MS share: 10/15/20%
      • Radius: 250
  • 1 - Squall
    • Target unit w/ vector-targeting / Affect enemy or ally / Active - Create a squalling hurricane that pushes the target unit 400 distance in 0.3s towards the vector direction, before affecting their AS which will be a slow for enemies or a bonus for allies. Deals magic damage if the target is enemy. Deals secondary magic damage if the enemy collides with the caster or the Whirlwind. If self-cast, also gain bonus MS after the push.

      Squall push is non-interruptive. Can target and affect ally Whirlwinds.

      * Destroys trees within 50 radius at the end of the push.
      • Main damage: 40/80/120/160
      • Secondary damage: 40/80/120/160
      • AS: 20/30/40/50
      • AS duration: 2.5s
      • Self MS bonus: 20/30/40/50%
      • Collision radius: 150; For the target to collide with Whirlwinds or the caster.
      • Cast range: 400/450/500/550
      • Mana cost: 100/110/120/130
      • Cooldown: 18/16/12/9s
    • Shard upgrade - Store 2 charges.
  • 2 - Whirlwind
    • Target point / Affect enemy / Active - Create a long-lasting whirlwind at the target location to constantly inflict damage, AS slow and MS slow to surrounding enemies. Does 2x DPS and slow effects within the strong wind radius.

      Whirlwinds are a type of commandable unit with invulnerability, low movement speed, ground vision, unobstructed movement, and is non-targetable to anyone except the caster. Whirlwind can only move if the caster is alive; Existing move orders are paused while the caster is dead.

      Multiple Whirlwinds can exist at the same time with their damage and slow fully stack. Enemies gain vision on Whirlwind when within 1x of its radius plus 100 range.

      * Does not block neutral camps.
      • Lifetime: 20/30/40/50s
      • Whirlwind MS: 125/140/155/185
      • Radius: 400/425/450/475
      • DPS: 10/15/20/25
      • AS slow: 0/10/20/30
      • MS slow: 0/5/10/15%
      • Strong radius: 113
      • Cast range: 350/450/550/650
      • Mana cost: 125/150/175/200
      • Cooldown: 28/26/24/22s
      • Whirlwind vision: 250
  • 3 - Windshield
    • Passive - After a short time not taking physical damage from players or Roshan, for every 100 distance moved without stopping (not counting blink), gain a stack of physical damage barrier, up to a cap, lasting 3.5s together. When expired, barrier gradually decays at the rate of 100 per second. Barrier duration is refreshed and paused during Monstrous Cyclone.

      Passive Aura - Grant bonus movement speed to nearby allies moving towards you, including your Whirlwinds. Treats allies as moving towards you if you are inside a 250-radius straight line of their movement direction.
      • Damage timer: 1.5s
      • Barrier HP per stack: 20/30/40/50
      • Barrier max cap: 100/150/200/250
      • Barrier duration: 3.5
      • Bonus MS: 15/20/25/30%
      • Radius: 900
    • Shard upgrade - Reduce damage timer by 0.5s. Increase MS aura path width by 150.
  • U - Monstrous Cyclone
    • No target / Active - Apply a basic dispel for self, become a big movable cyclone for a duration where you are invulnerable, phased, and constantly inflict damage, AS slow and MS slow to surrounding enemies. Does 3x DPS and slow effects within the strong wind radius.

      Enemies that stayed in the strong radius for longer than 1s get knock away 300 distance over 0.3s and remain stunned briefly after; This can happen multiple times to the same unit in one cast of Monstrous Cyclone. Trees in this radius are destroyed in 1s (but not for Ironwood).

      You can cast other spells while in this state. Enemies gain vision on Monstrous Cyclone when within 1x of its radius plus 100 range.
      • Set self MS: 185
      • Duration: 5/6/7s
      • Radius: 850/900/950
      • DPS: 20/40/60
      • AS slow: 10/20/30
      • MS slow: 10/15/20%
      • Strong Radius: 225
      • Stun duration: 0.3/0.5/0.7s
      • Mana cost: 200/300/400
      • Cooldown: 120/115/110s
    • Scepter upgrade - Increase active duration by 2s. Enable the knockback and stun to pierce immunity.
  • Talents
    • Lv10L "Windshield Barrier Grants +15% Evasion"
    • Lv10R "+2.5s Squall Buff/Debuff Duration"
    • Lv15L "+50 Attack Damage"
    • Lv15R "+50s Whirlwind Lifetime"
    • Lv20L "+40% Cleave"
    • Lv20R "+185 Monstrous Cyclone MS"
    • Lv25L "Store 3 Whirlwind Charges"
    • Lv25R "Windshield Barrier Aura (900 Radius)"
      • Gain the same bonus MS when moving towards ally Whirlwinds. Allies in 900 radius gain p.dmg barrier the same way.

  • "Puny lore no important."
  • Str hero, melee.
  • Stats
    • Str: 30 base + 4.2 per level.
    • Agi: 18 base + 1.8 per level.
    • Int: 15 base + 1.5 per level.
    • BAT: 1.8
    • Attack point/backswing: 0.5/0.5
    • Bass RG: 150
    • Base AD: 32-52
    • Base AS: 95
    • Base MS: 280
    • Base armor: 3 (6 at lv1)
    • Base helath regen: 4
    • Base mana regen: 0.5
  • 0 - Workout
    • Innate passive / Breakable - By attacking or casting spell (not counting items), gain a stack of bonus health, up to a cap, lasting a duration together. The strength bonus will increase/reduce current health by 100%/80% of the increment as it come/go.

      Health buff is undispellable. Yields 2x stacks from Dumbbell.
      • Strength per stack: 3
      • Stacks per atk: 1
      • Stacks per spell: 3
      • Max stacks: 12
      • Duration: 7
  • 1 - Melee Smash
    • No target / Active / Pierce Immunity - Wind up and smash, damaging and stunning enemy units in an area some distance ahead. Deals 2x damage to illusions.

      *Destroys trees within the effect AoE plus 50 range.
      • Cast time: 0+0.4
      • Wind-up time: 0.9
      • Impact delay: 0.1
      • Distance ahead: 200
      • Radius: 200
      • Damage: 100/200/300/400
      • Stun duration: 1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8s
      • Mana cost: 60/70/80/90
      • Cooldown: 9/8/7/6s
    • Shard upgrade - Allows the caster to aim within 120-degree forward and cast Smash again during the wind-up to smash at a different direction, rather than always smashing straight forward.
  • 2 - Beef
    • Passive / Unbreakable - Gain bonus armor.
      • Bonus armor: 1/2/3/4
    • Passive - While above a certain health percentage, gain status resistance. While below the threshold, gain bonus attack damage.
      • Health threshold: 25%
      • Status Resistance: 25/30/35/40%
      • Bonus AD: 40/60/80/100
    • Shard upgrade - Beef has a 250-radius aura to passively inflict -10% status resistance to enemies and +10% status resistance to allies. Beef aura has no linger time.
  • 3 - Dumbbell
    • Target unit / Active / - Hurl a big dumbbell at the target unit, dealing instant-attack, and slowing their attack and movement. The dumbbell then lingers at where it lands (hit or disjoint) for a duration to constantly inflict soft-leash to enemies in collision.

      *1 Proccing Linken does not prevent it from lingering on the field.
      *2 Soft-leash does not limit movement range but disables the use of traversal/blink/TP.
      • Cast time: 0.15+0.15
      • AD as damage: 30/45/60/75%
      • Base damage: 25/50/75/100
      • MS slow: 60%
      • AS slow: 60
      • Slow duration: 1.6/2.0/2.4/2.8
      • Linger time: 5
      • Soft-leash radius: 200
      • Cast range: 500
      • Projectile speed: 800
      • Mana cost: 45
      • Cooldown: 6
    • Shard upgrade - Increase linger time by 5s. Enable Dumbbell to be toggled on for targeting point; Does not hit units for damage and slow effects when point-targeted. The projectile will be positioned sideways (rotated 90-degree) if point-targeted.
  • U - Smoosh
    • Target point / Active - After a brief wind-up, jump up and fall down to crush nearby enemies, stunning them and dealing damage based on self max health and current health. Deals 3x damage to illusions and creeps. Upon landing, inflict stun to self.

      Once the caster is airborne, Smoosh cannot be interrupted even by death, and any forced movement (Force Staff, Wind Gale, etc) inflicted upon the caster will be halved; There are exceptions that bypass this, such as Meat Hook and Reality Rift.

      *Destroys trees within the AoE plus 100 range.
      • Cast time: 0.15+0
      • Wind-up time: 0.15
      • Land delay: 1.3
      • Base damage: 100/200/300
      • Max health as damage: 4/6/8%
      • Health as damage: 8/12/16%
      • Stun duration: 2.0/2.75/3.5
      • Self stun: 1.5
      • Cast range (leap): 250/300/350
      • Mana cost: 120/140/160
      • Health cost: 120/140/160
      • Cooldown: 30/20/10s
    • Scepter upgrade - Reduce land delay by 0.3s. Remove self stun. Smoosh remains castable when the caster is rooted or hexed.
  • Talents
    • Lv10L "+20 Movement Speed"
    • Lv10R "-1 Dumbbell Cooldown"
    • Lv15L "+20% Cleave"
    • Lv15R "Beef Unbreakable"
    • Lv20L "+50 Agility"
    • Lv20R "-0.7s Smash Wind-up"
    • Lv25L "+750 Health"
    • Lv25R "+200 Smoosh Radius"

