Yiruma / River Flows In You (youtube 120.3FM翻譯、製作)
邱振哲 / 太陽
田馥甄 / 小幸運
Elsword / Elrianode Village Theme
Rewrite / Scene Shifts There
Asylums for the Feeling / Death Stranding
The Hydraean's Wrath
Digimon Adventure : Last Evolution Kizuna - Brave Heart ~ Last Evolution Version
Avid (structure) / 86不存在的戰區 ED
Hall of El
LB Day Game
一番の宝物 ~Yui final ver.~
楓Maple Leaf
SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]:Laco「Hands Up to the Sky」
Rewrite - Sorrowless
Star Sky - Two Steps From Hell
Michael Jackson's Drummer Jonathan Moffett Performs "Beat It"
Soraha Takaku Kazeha Utau/OVERSKY專輯
Call For Rain/FFXV - Kingsglaive
Shape of you/J.Fla翻唱
Final Fantasy XV - World of Wonder Environment Trailer