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Tuck Everlasting 閱讀心得

作者:阿鬼│2015-02-23 22:36:58│巴幣:0│人氣:994
TuckEverlasting book report
This story is about the Tucks, an extraordinaryfamily with two sons. They drank some water in the wood and never changedagain. Another family, the Fosters, owned the wood, and also had a daughternamed Winifred. One day, Winifred ran into the wood to escape from her boringlife. She accidently saw one of the Tucks’ son, Jesse, collecting water fromthe magic spring. Afraid that Winifred will reveal the secret of the springwater, the Tucks took her with them to explain about the secret. The Tucks explainedabout how the spring made them everlasting, and why they didn’t want thissecret to be discovered by other people. As Winifred stayed with the Tucks fordays and listen about their stories, her parents were finding her anxiously. Theyentrusted a man in the yellow suit to find their daughter. They gave the manthe wood as a reward for finding their daughter. The yellow suit man was a manwho was eager to find the way to live forever, just as the Tucks. He trackeddown the Tucks, and followed them to their cabin. He took Winifred with him anddeclared that he own the wood and threatened the Tucks to guide him to thespring. He talked about the great fortune he could have, and also how the Tuckshad wasted the spring. When he said that he would make Winifred as ademonstration of the spring’s power, Mae Tuck got angry and killed the man witha shot gun. The police soon arrived and arrested her and put her into jail. TheTucks planned a way to manage a jailbreak to rescue her. With Winifred’s help,they succeeded and ran away for long. Before they escaped, Jesse Tuck gaveWinifred a bottle of spring water, asking her to drink it when she is older andfind them, so they could be together forever. However, Winifred gave the bottleof water to her little toad friend and lived a normal life.
After reading this story, I thought of some incredible jobs the Tuckscould have done instead of hiding in the wood. They are bulletproof, and they willnever die just like the eternal gods, and they didn’t even notice, wastingtheir lives. Tuck Everlasting could also be a prequel of some kind of superherostories. For instance, Family America or T-men. However, this book provides twothoughts about living forever. The Tucks considered that every living thing hasto change, and nobody should break the natural law and live forever. On theother hand, the man in the yellow suit saw the spring as a key to make thehumanity greater. In my opinion, the reason why humans are different fromanimals is that humans break the nature’s rule, and recreate their own, such ashuman nature. Going against nature shouldn’t be a reason of not being eternal,because humans have been breaking nature’s rule since human civilization commenced.The Tucks believe human everlasting is dreadful because they had suffered fromit. Not every person would live such a miserable life; imagine how manydifferent lives we can go through, and goals that we can achieve. In fact, whenwe reach our peak, we want to maintain at summit and unwilling to change, because “change”means going downwards. So why staying in our best time turn out to be aterrible idea? Your beloved might passed away, and you might suffer from yoursadness, but why bother? Because time can heals everything and what you havemost is time.
Living for ever is nearly every person’s dream, throughout history,rulers around the world have been perusing it, and this book have challenged itwith other thoughts. But to me, I am still willing to live forever. Maybe I amtoo greedy and selfish, but why change when you are young or in the most delightfulmoment of your life?

第一段有300多字 主要是劇情概述
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