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[克魯曼專欄] 柏南克難題 (原文載於10/01/25)
作者:首領八奇│2010-02-03 14:48:14│巴幣:0│人氣:457
The Bernanke Conundrum
A Republican won in Massachusetts — and suddenly it’s not clear whether the Senate will confirm
Ben Bernanke for a second term as Federal Reserve chairman. That’s not as strange as it sounds:
Washington has suddenly noticed public rage over economic policies that bailed out big banks but
failed to create jobs. And Mr. Bernanke has become a symbol of those policies.
Where do I stand? I deeply admire Mr. Bernanke, both as an economist and for his response to the
financial crisis. (Full disclosure: before going to the Fed he headed Princeton’s economics
department, and hired me for my current position there.) Yet his critics have a strong case. In the
end, I favor his reappointment, but only because rejecting him could make the Fed’s policies worse,
not better.
我支持哪方呢?不論是柏南克先生的經濟學家身分,亦或是他對金融危機之處理,我都深深感到敬重。(大揭祕:在柏南克先生任職聯準會前是普林斯頓大學經濟系主任,聘我任教至今。) 然而,對他的批評也是有憑有據。總的來說,我贊成柏南先生連任,倒不是因為他政策英明,而是沒了他聯準會的政策只會更爛。
How did we get to the point where that’s the most I can say?
Mr. Bernanke is a superb research economist. And from the spring of 2008 to the spring of 2009 his
academic expertise and his policy role meshed perfectly, as he used aggressive, unorthodox tactics
to head off a second Great Depression.
Unfortunately, that’s not the whole story. Before the crisis struck, Mr. Bernanke was very much a
conventional, mainstream Fed official, sharing fully in the institution’s complacency. Worse, after the
acute phase of the crisis ended he slipped right back into that mainstream. Once again, the Fed is
dangerously complacent — and once again, Mr. Bernanke seems to share that complacency.
Consider two issues: financial reform and unemployment.
Back in July, Mr. Bernanke spoke out against a key reform proposal: the creation of a new
consumer financial protection agency. He urged Congress to maintain the current situation, in which
protection of consumers from unfair financial practices is the Fed’s responsibility.
But here’s the thing: During the run-up to the crisis, as financial abuses proliferated, the Fed did
nothing. In particular, it ignored warnings about subprime lending. So it was striking that in his
testimony Mr. Bernanke didn’t acknowledge that failure, didn’t explain why it happened, and gave no
reason to believe that the Fed would behave differently in the future. His message boiled down to
“We know what we’re doing — trust us.”
As I said, the Fed has returned to a dangerous complacency.
And then there’s unemployment. The economy may not have collapsed, but it’s in terrible shape,
with job-seekers outnumbering job openings six to one. Nor does Mr. Bernanke expect any quick
improvement: last month, while predicting that unemployment will fall, he conceded that the rate of
decline will be “slower than we would like.” So what does he propose doing to create jobs?
另外還有失業問題。經濟也許沒有完全崩壞,但狀況仍十分嚴峻,有一大批的求職者,卻只有一小撮工作機會,就連柏南先生都預測這情況不會迅速改善。上個月他預測失業率會降低,但承認下降速率「會比我們預計的慢。」 那麼他有沒有什麼對於創造就業的建議呢?
Nothing. Mr. Bernanke has offered no hint that he feels the need to adopt policies that might bring
unemployment down faster. Instead, he has responded to suggestions for further Fed action with
boilerplate about “the anchoring of inflation expectations.” It’s harsh but true to say that he’s acting
as if it’s Mission Accomplished now that the big banks have been rescued.
What happened here? My sense is that Mr. Bernanke, like so many people who work closely with
the financial sector, has ended up seeing the world through bankers’ eyes. The same can be said
about Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary, and Larry Summers, the Obama administration’s
top economist. But they’re not up before the Senate, while Mr. Bernanke is.
Given that, why not reject Mr. Bernanke? There are other people with the intellectual heft and policy
savvy to take on his role: among the possible choices would be my Princeton colleague Alan
Blinder, a former Fed vice chairman, and Janet Yellen, the president of the San Francisco Fed.
But — and here comes my defense of a Bernanke reappointment — any good alternative for the
position would face a bruising fight in the Senate. And choosing a bad alternative would have truly
dire consequences for the economy.
Furthermore, policy decisions at the Fed are made by committee vote. And while Mr. Bernanke
seems insufficiently concerned about unemployment and too concerned about inflation, many of his
colleagues are worse. Replacing him with someone less established, with less ability to sway the
internal discussion, could end up strengthening the hands of the inflation hawks and doing even
more damage to job creation.
That’s not a ringing endorsement, but it’s the best I can do.
If Mr. Bernanke is reappointed, he and his colleagues need to realize that what they consider a
policy success is actually a policy failure. We have avoided a second Great Depression, but we are
facing mass unemployment — unemployment that will blight the lives of millions of Americans — for
years to come. And it’s the Fed’s responsibility to do all it can to end that blight.
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