
0 GP

黑街聖徒 成就表

作者:我是麥克│2007-12-12 02:29:42│巴幣:0│人氣:856
黑街聖徒 成就表
1. Colombian Made Take over Los Carnales territory. 40 points
2. Regicide Take over Vice Kings territory. 40 points
3. Road Warrior Take over Westside Rollerz territory. 40 points
4. Ruler of Stilwater Help the 3rd Streets Saints take over Stilwater. 160 points
5. Thug Reach a TrueSkill rank of Thug in any multiplayer mode.10 points
6. Killa Reach a TrueSkill rank of Killa in any multiplayer mode.20 points
7. Gangsta Reach a TrueSkill rank of Gangster in any multiplayer mode.40points
8. Kingpin Reach a TrueSkill rank of Kingpin in any multiplayer mode.80 points
9. Penny Pincher Earn $1,000,000 in the city of Stilwater. 10 points
10. Grifter Earn $200,000 in Insurance Fraud. 10 points
11. Shopaholic Acquire 100 clothing and jewelry items for your single player wardrobe.10 points
12. Coupon ClipperPurchase 100 clothing and jewelry items for your multiplayer wardrobe. 10ps
13. Leader of the Pack Acquire all 7 Homies. 10 points
14. Getting Up Tag all tag locations hidden throughout Stilwater. 10 points
15. Grease Monkey Own a total of 50 cars. 10 points
16. Racket Lord Complete all activities in Stilwater. 160 points
17. Contract Killer Complete all of the Hitman locations. 10 points
18. Demo Demon Complete all levels of Demolition Derby. 10 points
19. Fast and Furious Complete all of the Hijacking locations and levels. 10 points
20. Fluffer Complete all of the Escort locations and levels. 10 points
21. Pimp Complete all the Snatch locations and levels. 10 points
22. Pusher Complete all of the Drug Trafficking locations and levels.10 points
23. Scavenger Complete all of the Chop Shop locations. 10 points
24. Tuner Complete all of the Racing locations and levels. 10 points
25. Vandal Complete all of the Mayhem locations and levels. 10 points
26. Bulletproof Complete Co-op level Turbulence at the highest difficulty level. 10ps
27. Errand Boy Complete Co-op level Mob Rule at the highest difficulty level. 10pts
28. Canonized Join the 3rd Street Saints. 10 points
29. Reclamationist Retake Saint's Row. 10 points

30. Scourge of the Air Destroyed 50 helicopters. 10 points
31. Audiophile Collect all 60 hidden cd's. 10 points
32. Dominator Win 10 ranked matches in a row. 10 points
33. Jumped the Shark Withdrew a total of $200,000 from the Loan Office. 10 points
34. Negotiator Take 50 hostages. 10 points
35. Professional Thief Steal 30 boxes and deliver them successfully. 10 points
36. Stilwater PD Award Kill 50 Stilwater residents with only melee attacks. 10 points
37. Addicted to tha row Play Saints Row for 20 hours. 20 points
38. Chain Gang Dropped off a total of 500 chains in the Big Ass Chains multiplayer mode in ranked matches. 20 points
39. Clocktower Camper Head shot and kill a total of 100 enemies with a sniper rifle in ranked matches. 20 points
40. Marathon Runner Traveled 26.2 miles on foot. 20 points
41. Pimp Killer Killed the Pimp in Protect Tha Pimp 50 times in ranked matches. 20 points
42. Tourist Drive 500 miles in the city of Stilwater. 20 points
43. Xzibitionist Get your team car to level 4 in the Blinged Out Ride mode a total of 50 times in ranked matches. 20 points
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


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