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MechWarrior 5 預購玩家退款申請範本(中英對照)

作者:刻字狂│2019-08-23 06:24:34│巴幣:10│人氣:282

因為Piranha Games Inc.位在加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省,本文參考當地政府提供之消費者保護網站資訊撰寫。

信件主旨請填寫:Refund Request for MW5 Pre-order

注意:遊戲版本不是買終極版(Ultimate Community Edition)的,記得改成你買的版本,金額也要改。例如Collector版的價格好像是$79.99 USD。

----複製以下文字(請刪掉數字編號和這個[ ]符號)----
1. Your Name: [John Doe]
2. Your Email Address: [your_email@gmail.com]
3. Today's Date: [August 23, 2019]

4. Seller: Piranha Games Inc.

5. Dear Sir,

6. On [January 25, 2019], I pre-ordered [MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Ultimate Community Edition], at a price of [$119.99 USD], as you promised to provide "a key to the Steam version of MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries upon the game's release." and "The other Digital Content will also be provided through Steam." which will be available upon the game's release.
7. Today, I want to cancel the agreement. I hereby exercise my right to cancel the agreement and request a full refund as a result of misrepresentation as described in the Consumer Protection Act. According to the recent announcement on the official website MW5MERCS.com, the game will be an Epic Games Store Exclusive for 1 year, and said website also stated "The original purchase FAQ mentioned a Steam key, can I still get a Steam key? Unfortunately no, however, we are offering full refunds." Your original statement "providing Game Key and other Digital Content through Steam upon the game's release" is no longer possible due to your failure to perform.
8. I look forward to your immediate reply.
9. Regards,
10. [John Doe]

P.S. Evidence of misrepresentation: Proof:https://web.archive.org/web/20190629153920/https://mw5mercs.com/faq#question-2-2
(2.) The Community Edition Pre-Order program will provide you with a key to the Steam version of MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries upon the game's release. When available, you will receive the Steam Key through your profile page on this site.
(3.) How will I receive the other Digital Content, such as the Game Manual and Soundtrack? The other Digital Content will also be provided through Steam. A key will be provided through your profile on this site.
----複製以上文字(請刪掉數字編號和這個[ ]符號)----

1.你預購時填寫的姓名: 例如 John Doe
2.你預購時使用的電子郵件信箱: 例如 your_email@gmail.com
3.寄出退件申請(這封信)的日期: 例如 August 23, 2019
4.賣方:遊戲公司名稱: Piranha Games Inc.
5.給敬愛的先生: Dear Sir,
6.主文:在[收據上的交易日期],我預購了[MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - 遊戲版本],總金額為[多少美金],您承諾在遊戲發行時"提供Steam版本的遊戲啟動金鑰"及"其他數位內容"。
7.主文:今天,我要求解除契約,並基於消費者保護法所規定之禁止不當陳述行使我的契約解除權並要求全額退款。根據MW5MERCS.COM官網上最近的公告,遊戲將由Epic Games Store獨佔一年,且該網站亦聲明"原始購買FAQ提到Steam啟動金鑰,我還能取得Steam啟動金鑰嗎?很遺憾,不行,但我們提供全額退款。"您原本的陳述"在遊戲發行時透過Steam提供遊戲啟動金鑰及其他數位內容"由於您拒絕履行而不可能達成。
9. 向您致意,
10. [你預購時填寫的姓名]

(2.) The Community Edition Pre-Order program will provide you with a key to the Steam version of MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries upon the game's release. When available, you will receive the Steam Key through your profile page on this site.
(3.) How will I receive the other Digital Content, such as the Game Manual and Soundtrack? The other Digital Content will also be provided through Steam. A key will be provided through your profile on this site.

消費者保護法-加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省法規(Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act, BPCPA) http://www.bclaws.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/04002_02#part2
需要解除契約時的注意事項-加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省消費者保護局(Need to cancel a contract?) https://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/consumer-help/need-to-cancel-a-contract/
尋求小額爭端的民事仲裁-加拿大英屬哥倫比亞省民事仲裁處 https://civilresolutionbc.ca/how-the-crt-works/getting-started/small-claims-solution-explorer/goods-and-services/
信件範本-因他方之不實陳述而解除契約(Sample Letter for Misrepresentation)-由加拿大安大略省政府消費者保護計畫提供之範本 https://www.sse.gov.on.ca/mcs/Documents/samp_185401.pdf
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


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12-11 20:02


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