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作者:allwe│2018-01-03 01:11:10│巴幣:0│人氣:101
so i have something low b to share..... embarrassing stuff.... english first.... maybe chinese later, haha. so i decide to put on a little make-up on work days. so as to keep myself more awake. because worklife can be so mandune. i guess life can be mandune somehow. say you get up every morning. then you brush your teeth. later you drink the water and eat. you catch the transportation. these are the ordinary, daily, repeatative parts.

the thing is, a colleague points out that my make-up powder is not even today..... if there were a hole, i would have dug my head into itXDDDD really, for real. maybe that's why the powder is relatively quickly used up, when compared with the cc creamXDDDD i put too much? maybe. i will take more notice.... to make my face look more normal, natural..... i try, i fall, i pull myself together. fall better next timeXDDDDD


重點係,有個同事今日話,你啲粉搽得唔勻循……假若有個窿,我會伸個頭入去XDDDDD 真。或者因為咁,啲粉用得相對地快,同cc cream比XDDD 我用得太多?可能啦。會多加留意……令塊面自然啲…嘗試、受挫,繼而重整旗鼓,下次跌得好啲XDDDD

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前一篇:媽與你... 後一篇:食飯...



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