
0 GP

[MH2016] 1月美版討論區雜記

作者:ccwang│2017-01-03 11:51:52│巴幣:0│人氣:266
1. 美版官網討論區/其它地方 逛到的有趣內容轉載~ 使用 Google 翻譯 (不保證中文內容的正確性)
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[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (1/30)
新英雄: BEAST

大修 : ANGELA 和刀鋒
小修: 13個


New artifacts UPDATED 1/30 一些新改版神器

[Test Center] Cosmic Artifacts  新的宇宙神器
New artifacts  <- 內有一些圖片
新推出的宇宙神器不列入Boss共享掉落, 只有殺宇宙難的終端和巡邏區Boss才會掉落該Boss的專屬宇宙神器.

每個宇宙神器都會新增一條宇宙詞綴, 由以下8條隨機擇1 {明明是9條...}
-15% Primary Resource Cost Reduction

    2000 Defense Rating
    2000 Dodge Rating
    2000 Deflect Rating
    2500 Health
    Plus 1 to all Attributes
    -2s Cooldown on Med Kit Power
    150 Primary Resource
    10% Cooldown Reduction to Signature Powers
{ 猜測宇宙詞綴應該不能疊加, 不然裝了4個 : 光是神器本身就 -60% 施法"能量", 或 -8秒醫療包CD 或 - 40% 紫技CD }


問:  I just noticed I dont have Spidey's default costume. I probably blended it thinking that i could always get another by prestiging.
    1st question: is it true that prestiging no longer gives a default?
    2nd? if the answer to question 1 is yes, how do you get a new default?


答: You should still receive a default when you prestige! You can also remove whatever costume you have on a hero and it reverts to the default costume.

And just for full-on clarity, the full update notes!  These will be in next week's TC round.  There will also be two more heroes with some moderate sized updates on TC, who I will be giving the details for either today or Monday.
下一輪 TC 會有刀鋒和另外2個英雄的大修, 與一些英雄的中度調整.

Dawn of a New Age Guide Contest! 1/30-3/3  官方舉辦遊戲指南大賽


Friday Summary - 1/27
   下次 Patch 是2/2 週四.  本週有 BeastJubilee TU在TC 進行測試. 另外 Bowden Mounty 事件下週上線.

A.R.M.O.R. Incursion - 1/26-2/1!

Cosmic Hightown Loot.

Influencer Recruitment Program for Marvel Heroes 2016!

Still being worked on. Last I heard, there is a Punisher default VU coming along(which looks amazing), and they want to use pieces of that model for this one.
據說制裁者的預設服裝 VU 正在進行中, 影集服裝會


Marvel Heroes 2016 2.01 Patch Notes
公告: The Marvel Heroes 2016 servers will be going offline at 6 AM PST for a game update. Downtime is expected to last up to 3 hours. 停機修 Bug 嘍

黑暗維度入侵事件下個月應該會再出現 (某電影出藍光DVD...)

[Test Center] Beast Feedback  野獸 TC 了
[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (1/24)

Could we please add a Zod Rune to one of the Vendors?  I would gladly pay 10,000 DR for one (or 200 Cube shards, 1000 green, etc.)Maybe a vendor, maybe not.  At least make them a little easier to get.   以後 Zod 符文會設法容易些取得

影片: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 International Trailer #2 (2017) | Movieclips Trailers
  明明是相同的預告片, 為啥這版就比較歡樂?
  要猜猜今年5月會送幾隻嗎?  : )

Lunar New Year Event! 1/22-1/29

煙火現在不是消耗品, 可以永久使用, 至於可堆疊是因為以前曾是消耗品...

Half price of costumes and Chase costumes. 大約再1個月左右會有這個特賣
{不知是指 前者,後者, 還是兩者}

Quick Update
Looks like we are pushing Tuesday's(1/24) patch to Thursday(1/26) to include more fixes and tuning. More news to come.  週二的 Patch 延到 週四

We're discussing where to introduce you to your first catalyst.  In the next update, they will be able to drop more frequently and at lower levels than they currently can.

You can still level pets, but as the reroll function is not working properly, it will remain off until our next update, currently scheduled for thursday.  寵物詞綴重置功能在下個Patch 修正, 預計週四


Cosmic Difficulty and You 新的難度說明  
  Normal 正常難度和 Story Mode 故事模式以及舊的 Green/Red Terminals 紅綠終端差不多.

  Heroic 英雄難度大約介於舊的 Cosmic Terminals 黃機終端和 Cosmic Midtown/Patrol zones. 宇宙巡邏區之間.

  Cosmic 宇宙難度大約是整個難度曲線的頂點附近, 和舊的 Epic/Cosmic Danger Room scenarios 紫/黃級危險室劇本難度差不多. 大多數英雄不應該能有效(率)的"農"

        我們承認使用 "Cosmic" 作目前的最高難度名稱是一個大錯誤 - 它讓很多玩家誤以為這個宇宙難度是和大改版前的黃機和宇宙巡邏區一樣"好混", 下一個 Patch 不會修改難度名稱, 但我們會想出更好的名字集合, 作為最高難度的名稱.

PS1. 下一個 Patch 將專注於修 Bug, 但我們會關注玩家對宇宙難度的反饋與進度, 再考慮調整方向
PS2. 肯定要增加宇宙難的過關獎勵, 但不是下一個 Patch

Friday[Saturday] Summary - 1/21
1. 大更新於上週四推出了
2. 今天也已推出 2.0a patch 修正 第2/4章和服裝問題
3. 1/24 週二還有patch, 要解決一個大問題 (Unique Re-roll Pet Affix)
4. 野獸哥現在可放預購, 希望能在下週初進TC. 下載模型預覽
5. 昨天的直播視頻在這  
Watch here!
RIF / SIF藥劑清倉特賣至星期二(1/24)

8. 新玩家的第一個英雄解鎖調整:
     在訓練室完成任務 - 接收400永恆碎片
     登入7天 - 接收200永恆碎片

New or Returning Player to the Biggest Update Ever 大更新的特點 - 給新玩家或回籠玩家

Please get one of cute shop boys/girls to pretty please turn on variant costumes in the store.

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.0a Patch Notes

影片: Logan | Trailer 2 [HD] | 20th Century FOX   { 這版 X-23 年幼了點 ^^ "}

Marvel Heroes 2016 2.0 Patch Notes
*Ultimate powers 現在 60 級才解鎖
*Holo NPC商人的商品更新

Cosmic Chaos - 1/19-1/25

First Patch Hero Attribute Adjustments

Biggest Update Ever Live-Stream Extravaganza! 1/20
加入星期五(1/20)下午2:00 的官方Twitch.TV 頻道線上互動, 有機會得到獎品
    Random Hero Bundle
    Beast Hero Bundle (Future Bundle)
    Bundles of Fortune Cards (Many variations)

[Info] Marvel Heroes 2016 2.0 Artifacts Changelog

Datamine - Datamine at January 19, 2017

Variable Costumes

New costume, Team-Up

servers will be going offline at 12 PM PST for the Biggest Update Ever. Downtime is expected to last up to 4 hours. { 久違的公告, 凌晨 04:00 停機 Patch 4小時 }

台灣時間 = UTC+8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
PDT = UTC-7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PST = UTC-8 9

{ 友情提醒 : Patch 後就是 All New MarvelHeroes 20xx 了, 請遺忘 MH2016 過往印象, 重頭開始體驗新遊戲吧 }


AM(a.m.)是拉丁文ante meridiem的縮寫,也就是before noon,是上午、午前的意思。PM(p.m.)是拉丁文post meridiem的縮寫,也就是after midday,是午後的意思。

AM、PM代表上、下午,以1︰00到12︰59呈現時間,所以凌晨零點三十分是以AM 12︰30呈現,中午12︰00則以PM 12︰00呈現。


[Test Center] Hero Iteration Changelog (1/18)
[Test Center] General / Misc. Change Notes (1/18)

[Test Center] Preliminary Patch Notes (1/18) 妖獸長的更新明細 (預覽版), 目錄如下:  

* Catalyst 催化劑使用後會綁定帳號

     When an Eternity Splinter drops from an enemy defeat, there is now a base chance to drop an additional bonus of 1-4 Eternity Splinters.  現在殺死敵人掉落ES時, 有基本機率會額外掉落 1~4個ES

        Eternity Splinter rewards have been removed as mission rewards from Story mode, as well as from containers such as Daily Login Rewards. Eternity Splinter rewards have been replaced with Random Artifact Boxes for Story mode mission rewards.

此隨機神器盒的神器包含 : Any of the new, revamped, non boss artifacts. 任何 新的/重製的/非Boss 神器

影片: EXCLUSIVE Marvel Heroes 2016 - Biggest Update Ever Trailer  (讚~)

[Test Center] Hero Iteration Changelog (1/17)

The Boost Sale has been extended to Friday(1/20)! 藥劑清倉促銷延長到 1/20

Mystic Mayhem will end tonight and Cosmic Chaos will start tomorrow~   明天事件切換

The Biggest Update Ever is Launching Soon!
1/19 週四 大更新, 更新大項如下:
    Hero Powers Updates 英雄技能更新
    Item Changes Primer  物品變動
    New Infinity System 無限系統
    Mobility Update
    RIF/SIF change to BIF/Difficulty Slider
   BIF 取代 RIF/SIF 以及難度調整系統

    Powers Update(Talents & Traits)
    Infinity System
    Mobility Update
    Story Chapter Updates (2-3, 5-6)
    Gamepad Updates
    Costume Core Conversations
    Catalyst & Flourish System
    Mission Tracker
    Team-Up Synergies

The exchange uniques to credits recipes and a default costume for each prestige will still be there right after this update ?
Thanks to Asros - Unique to credits = No. Default Costume to Prestige = Yes!

The Critical Rating and Brutal Rating Formulas 大改版後  Critical & Brutal Rating 公式變動:

  舊爆擊公式 Old Critical Hit Chance % = 99R/(R + 60L)
舊致命一擊公式 Old Brutal Strike Chance % = 75R/(R + 60L)
  新爆擊公式 New Critical Hit Chance % = 10 + 89R/(R + 80L)
  新致命一擊公式 New Brutal Strike Chance % = 89R/(R + 80L)
  R = Rating {爆擊值 / 致命一擊值}
  L = 敵人等級

What this means is that all heroes will have a 10% chance to Critically Hit even without any other source of Crit. 所有英雄都有基礎爆擊率 10%
For Brutal Strikes, it means the hard cap is now 14% higher than previously, so Brutal Strike Rating is strictly better than it previously was at the top end. { 致命一擊率上限提高14% }

Update on all things BIF related. 更新 BIF 相關資訊

BIF boosts 現在藥效只有 30 分鐘, 但可以疊加 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x. 至5次, 疊加效果同時包含強度和持久性, 將呈現如下:

  吃 1 個 = BIF 1x, 持久 30 分鐘
吃 2 個 = BIF 2x, 持久 60 分鐘
吃 3 個 = BIF 3x, 持久 90 分鐘
吃 4 個 = BIF 4x, 持久 120 分鐘
吃 5 個 = BIF 5x, 持久 150 分鐘

之後多吃不會增加 BIF 強度, 但可以增加持久時間~

XP, 掉錢和混合藥劑 Boost 都是如此作用.  假如混用 Boost, 舉例如下:
   若疊了5層 BIF, 又再吃了混合藥劑 Boost, 將會增加疊5層 BIF 30分鐘效果, 和1層掉錢和1層 XP 的30分鐘
明天的 TC就會上線實測.

  XP藥劑: {遞減的很嚴重}
  1 層 = 100% XP 加成
2 層 = 150% XP 加成
3 層 = 180% XP 加成
4 層 = 190% XP 加成
層 = 200% XP 加成

掉錢藥劑 Currency:
1 層 = 每次掉落 +100 信用點, 開危險室 Victory chest +10% Merits, 殺boss或解傳奇任務 +1 Odin Mark
  2 層 = 每次掉落 +150 信用點, 開危險室
Victory chest +20% Merits, 殺boss或解傳奇任務 +2 Odin Mark
  3 層 = 每次掉落 +180 信用點, 開危險室 Victory chest +30% Merits, 殺boss或解傳奇任務 +3 Odin Mark
  4 層 = 每次掉落 +190 信用點, 開危險室 Victory chest +40% Merits, 殺boss或解傳奇任務 +4 Odin Mark
  5 層 = 每次掉落 +200 信用點, 開危險室 Victory chest +50% Merits, 殺boss或解傳奇任務 +5 Odin Mark

No, nothing has changed.  We'll give you a weekend of cosmic bonus and xp bonus.  I wouldnt wait for such an event if you want to prestige for the free costumes going away.  There is no time like the present.  We'll let you know when the "Prestige Event" is coming, for sure. { 將會有 "Prestige Event" 威望事件?? }

Beast 野獸討論區 上線了 {照慣例, 這表示野獸在2~4週內會推出}

[Test Center] Bonus Item Find (1/16)
[Test Center] General / Misc. Change Notes (1/16)
[Test Center] Hero Iteration Changelog (1/16)

  XP Boosts 將留在商店! 它只是提高XP。

  When to expect game's name change? MH2016 became obsolete couple weeks ago.
   什麼時候遊戲名稱會改變? MH2016在幾個星期前就過時了。
  A bit later than expected! I'm thinking Marvel Heroes 2017: Electric Boogaloo~
  比預期稍晚! 我在想 Marvel Heroes 2017: Electric Boogaloo~

Some Difficulty Slider Updates (for today's TC build)
目前暫定的各區域可用難度為 : {不是每個區域的難度都可以調整 }
Story - Normal, Heroic, Cosmic
Terminals - Normal, Heroic, Cosmic
Midtown - Normal, Cosmic*
Industry City Patrol - Heroic
Hightown - Normal, Heroic, Cosmic (因為它是故事模式的一部份)
One-Shots - Heroic
Holo-Sim - Heroic
Raids - Heroic
Danger Room - Heroic for the Danger Room Hub, 難度取決於 scenarios 劇本, 和現行相同.
X-Defense, Age of Ultron, PvP - 暫時停用, 直到開發組能將它們改進到達標.

*Cosmic Gate 宇宙試鍊- Heroic. 仍然要通過試鍊才能進 Cosmic Midtown, 它有獨自的傳點 waypoint, 和普通的 Midtown 區分.

{ *遊戲預設是 Normal 難度, 較高的難度可能要玩家達到某些條件後才會解鎖可調整, 這目前還在規劃&調整.
  *目前能完成宇宙危險室的英雄應該能舒適的遊走宇宙難度, 而通過宇宙試鍊的英雄應該可吃遍英雄難度.
  *日後還有 Omega 難度

We're weaving in some NPC VU's with Hero/Boss/Mob/Etc VU's. Thats all.
我們編織在一些NPC VU與英雄/Boss/ 怪物 / 其它  的VU。 就這樣。

This is exactly right. The long term plan is for gear progression and naming to match the difficulty settings. E.g. White and Green are for Normal, Blue is for Heroic, Purple is for Superheroic, Cosmic is for Cosmic, Omega is for Omega, etc.   We're not there yet, but that's a logical direction to head in.
這是完全正確的。 長期計劃用於武具進展和命名以匹配難度設置。 例如。 白色和綠色為正常,藍色為英雄,紫色為超級英雄,宇宙為宇宙,歐米茄為歐米茄等。 我們還沒有,但這是一個合理的方向進來。

Transfer Artifact Visual. Works just like it always has, and is Catalyst supported.

Catalysts with a visual effect are not possible to trade. (Despite what the pic shows!)
具有視覺效果的催化劑不可能交易。 (儘管圖片顯示!)

女浩克 - 新技能組
  技能資源改為  Anger, 和浩克一樣.

Last Ever Boost Bonanza Sale!

Friday Summary - 1/13

Netflix Punisher VU is up on TC  內有三版本比較圖

[Test Center] Unbind Item
    解綁配方被精減成2種, 一種是錢多和2個不穩定因子和元素, 另一種是錢少和解綁矩陣和元素.
兩種配方都可以解綁: Armor, Weapons, Insignias, Rings, Relics, Medallions, Uru-Forged, Team-Up Items, 和 Artifacts.

Catalysts 不給解綁

Mystic Mayhem - 1/12-1/18  新一週的事件

Test Center - 1/11
[Test Center] Boss Changes
[Test Center] Catalyst & Flourish Item Slots
[Test Center] Team-Up Synergies Feedback
[Test Center] Mobility Power Changes     
[Test Center] Difficulty Slider
[Test Center] Story Chapter 6 Update
  [Test Center] Story Chapter 5 Update
  [Test Center] Attribute Changes
  [Test Center] General / Misc. Change Notes (1/11)
  [Test Center] Hero Iteration Changelog (1/11)
  [Test Center] Infinity System Feedback
  [Test Center] Artifacts Changelog (12/21)
  [Test Center] READ ME FIRST! (1/11)

    旅行技  windup time 減為 0.75秒.
    旅行技速度提高為 800.
    衝刺技距離 Dash power range 增加 25%.
衝刺技速度增加到 1250.

Team-UP 協同:
所有Team-Up的技能樹都有一個 Synergy passive 協同被動技,
which increases their Base Damage by 1% for every Mastery level they have achieved, and upon reaching Mastery Level 60,
the Team-Up will provide 2% Base Damage to every single Team-Up in your Roster.。
  最多可有 50 個Team-Ups 提供60級精通加成。 這個(50隻)上限將隨著 Team-Up 的總數上限增加而放寬。 一般來說,我們會儘量保持在可用 Team-Up 的75%左右。

Difficulty Slider 難度調整功能位於 Waypoint 「M.A.P.」視窗. 只需選取區域, 然後選擇難度 (普通, 英雄, 超級英雄), 最後完成「Warp To Location 傳送到該區域」.

將滑鼠移至小地圖上, 或是看小地圖外框都可以判斷目前難度
目前還未完成所有地圖的實作, 有些地圖的難度切換還只是"表面"工程.

  之後終端的難度不再由 Waypoint 選單中區分綠紅黃終端。 難度設置將完全由困難調整機置控制。


   難度提高影響以下:怪物生命值,暴擊傷害,XP,信用點。 (掉寶相關的更改尚未在此構建中實作)

ATTRIB 屬性能力 :
  Durability - Defense Rating 防禦值加乘 & 最大 HP
  Strength - Deflect Rating 加乘 & 減少
Deflected  後受到的傷害
  Fighting - Critical Rating 爆擊值加乘 & 減少承受的近戰傷害
  Speed - Dodge Rating
閃避值加乘 & 減少承受的範圍傷害
  Energy - 降低施用技能成本 &
  Intelligence - Critical Damage Rating 爆擊傷害值 & 減少醫療包 CD

  Prestiging 不再重置您的Infinity Point分配。

  There will not be an unbind recipe for Catalysts.

問: I have ALWAYS wanted a purple bamf pet. How hard would it be to get just a recolor like that?
我一直想要紫色的 Bamf 寵物, 獲得這顏色的難度有多高?

ASROS答: Its not easy or hard, it is process.  We have strict guidelines for what colors/looks our models should have, both internal guidelines and from Marvel.
它並不容易或很難. 它是加工/過程. 每個模形的長相和顏色都有嚴格的規範, 規範來自內部指南和 Marvel.


ASROS答: BIF wont be a rating, its just a multiplier.  Has nothing to do with where or which boss you farm.
It's been stated many times that RIF and SIF never increased the chance of boss items.  That is a player assumption and is one of the reasons we are moving away from RIF and SIF.  All RIF did was increase the chance of an item that drops to move to the next rarity level.  All boss items do not respect rarity(there is no rare/uncommon/epic version of a boss unique) so RIF had no impact on that.

Boost Vaulting, BIF Conversion and Last Chance Sale! 商城各式藥劑最後清倉銷售 ... 真的清倉了
太平洋標準時間 1/17 星期二下午12:00,包含RIF或SIF加成能力的藥劑將從商城下架。
這也包括RIF和SIF Boosts和綜合Boosts,財富卡和神秘盒。 這並不意味著我們正在刪除RIF / SIF的機制,也並不意味著們正在刪除您擁有RIF / SIF 之類的任何消耗品。 您擁有的 RIF / SIF 消耗品在未來任何時間仍然可以正常作用 & 服用 {只是商城不再販賣它們}

新的藥劑系統將改為4種 {尚未完全定案} :
Bonus Item Find Boost - 60 minutes - Gain Bonus Item Find Points for 30 minutes!.

Experience Boost - 60 minutes - Gain additional Experience for 30 minutes!.

Currency Boost - 60 Minutes - Gain additional Game Currency for 30 minutes!

Combo Boost - 60 Minutes - Gain Bonus Item Find Points, Experience, and Game Currency for 60 minutes! Stacks additively with all other boosts.

很可能新的 BIF 藥劑不會在1/17後很快推出。 我不能說目前的價格是什麼。 一旦我們有更好的主意會讓你們知道。

Prestiging is a game activity to do if you like leveling. If it is easy, it isn't prestigious at all, and it just becomes a way to change your name color. If leveling isn't fun or you find cosmic prestige takes to long, then maybe that activity isn't for you.

We are trying to get back to a place where there is a significant amount of challenge in the game, things take time to complete and that those things are prestigious and should feel good when you complete them.

I'm seeing some players upset with this because it will make cosmic prestige take longer. We know this. It will make leveling take longer across the board. I'm not being snarky here, I'm legitimately asking why people prestige if they dislike leveling?

一個商人負責將不同的舊藥劑轉成對應的代幣 Token. 再憑代幣找另一個商人購買新藥劑.

對星期天無法兌換的 「HAPPY2017」 代碼表示歉意。 我們將代碼延期到星期二(1/10)太平洋標準時間下午11:59。

Friday Summary - 1/6
12 Days of Christmas Event 的免費贈品兌換碼: HAPPY2017
        贈品是 1x Winter Wonder Boost, 兌換期限至 2017年1月8日晚上11:59停止。

   2. 現行事件已變換為
Operation Omega Event
   3. 下一輪 TC 上線是在 週二 1/10

Costume Blender gone? Ans (its not)  :-)
{ 轉生贈送預設服裝, 在大更新之後是廢定了,
  以後變成轉生有稱號, 會追溯已轉生英雄.
  催化劑系統上線時, 已鑲在服裝上的核心會分離還給玩家

   * 最近無所事事的玩家, 不妨試試轉生到紅階, 攢預設服裝去拼隨機服裝...

Asros 關於服裝的回覆

    Say I don't necessarily want dupe costumes for the blender and therefore do no want to prestige anyone, BUT I have several characters at level 60 and DON'T have their default costumes in my inventory. Will default costumes be automatically added to the closet or will I have to prestige before the update if I want access to those costumes again?

I believe so, yes. And yes, I know this means people might blend all their defaults. Which, if that's your bag, so be it

    Sorry, that was a bit unclear as to which portion of the last sentence you're saying "yes" to. Yes, the default costume will be automatically added or yes, we will have to prestige if we want to access the default costume again?

Yes, I believe that by owning a hero, the default costume will automatically unlocked.

When the costume closet goes update live, it will scan your inventory and stash for costumes equipped or stored, consume them and unlock them in the closet system. If you have duplicates, they will be converted to a "receipt" to use in the blender. It will only unlock the ones you have in your inventory, character sheets and stash, not your entire history of stored costumes.

Thanks, so is the costume update AFTER or BEFORE the power updates? or concurrently

問: Any chance of variants in January @Asros <3
答: A chance? Yes, there is a chance. Not 100% right now since we might have some new variants coming...

一月份有機會變體服裝再次上架, 有新的變體服裝



[Official] January Event Schedule 一月份事件規劃
    每個事件都是 12:00 AM Pacific 開始, 11:59 PM Pacific 結束.

1/5 - 1/11: Operation Omega
1/12 - 1/18: Mystic Mayhem
1/19 - 1/25: Cosmic Chaos
1/26 - 2/1: A.R.M.O.R. Incursion

1/22 - 1/29: Lunar New Year!

Test Center - 1/4

  [Test Center] Lunar New Year Event 2017

  農曆新年事件每日登入禮 :
    8 Cube Shards

    8 Eternity Splinters

    Two Hour Credit Find Boost potions (+20 credits per potion)

    節日煙火 50入/疊

敵人會掉紅包, 隨機包了一些好東西在其中 ~

* BIF, Difficulty slider, chapter 5/6 updates 和 Beast  快要準備進 TC 了
* Chapter 4 也會更新的
* 獨特裝備還會出現一段時間, 起碼 Beast 和 Black Bolt 都會有

I was wondering if this coming Thursday is the release of Marvel Heroes 2017 and the release of the big changes. 請問本週四會有MH2017大更新嗎?

Asros: No.
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


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