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DIR EN GREY 15-Nov-15

作者:allwe│2015-11-09 01:50:28│巴幣:0│人氣:279
So I am waiting for 15-November-2015 to have the live ticket's lucky draws. As I remember, Japan Budokan can accomodate 20,000 audiences. 2-day lives mean 40,000 people. I think I can get that. But do I still want to see? They've been such a "assholes"(in my eyes). They come to Taiwan and China this year...... Only miss out Hong Kong.

What can I say...... I can say nothing. Except they hate Hong Kong. They must hate Hong Kong a lot. Then should I see them, people who hate Hong Kong? And I'm from Hong Kong, the place they hate. But but, the above is rumor. Rumor says that they  don't like Hong Kong. It seems there are no official sayings about this......

They last saw Hong Kong people for 13 years. A lot of things have been changing. People, the sceneries.

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前一篇:Thoughts lat... 後一篇:Zenbu(All)...



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