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混沌之源(Chaos;Head) Super Special

作者:享翼│2009-05-15 17:35:34│巴幣:0│人氣:398

(此影片非本人的...如有斷連或連結失敗 我也沒辦法)

加賀美セイラ-Super Special (Chaos;Head ED)
作詞:加賀美セイラ/作曲:駒場雅信・Koichi MAKAI

You're always Super Special, that's why you are here with me.
Miracle baby, born on the some super star
Super Special 特別な君
Miracle baby, I'm happy to be with you

Big sign of ”Love & Peace”
When there's enough bombs to blow the earth
”all-A kids only”
Prioritize Money they own

目を背けながら you
私の気持ち lonely

But you are with me right now, to change the whole world,
the best reason why you are here
Because you are needed, its destiny, You're never left alone

You're always Super Special, that's why you are here with me.
Miracle baby, born on the some super star
Super Special 特別な君
Miracle baby, I'm happy to be with you

”Best Friends Forever”
After bitching out behind my back
”Call me so we can hang”
Never do they pick up cell phone


But you are hurting your self, and others who care,
I will tell you why you are here
Because you are precious,
it's meant to be, You're never left alone

You're always Super Special, that's why you are here with me.
Miracle baby, born on the some super star
Super Special 特別な君
Miracle baby, I'm happy to be with you

But You are with me right now, the best reason why you are here
Because you are precius, its destiny, You're never left alone

Miracle baby, I'm happy to be with you

You're always Super Special, that's why you are here with me.
Miracle baby, born on the some super star
Super Special 特別な君
Miracle baby, I'm happy to be with you
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


同標籤作品搜尋:|加賀美セイラ|Super Special|Chaos|HEAd|Chaos;HEAd|

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