
1 GP

Not suitable for visual rock

作者:allwe│2015-03-28 22:35:09│巴幣:2│人氣:109
Not suitable for visual rock
True, the bands' looks and musical styles are not for me
If I name, アンティック-珈琲店- AN CAFE, LM.C, ALvino and DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ  would be good visual rock choices
My eyes and ears now "accept" ALvino

Visual rock makes me sick and fussy
Don't need people to remind and brainwash me how dark and desperate the world is
Who doesn't know?
This genre of music doesn't give me energy
Rather it drags me under

What would I be when I am no longer into visual rock?
Tried that before
Always finding something new, in every aspect
Including music of course

Visual rock is like an ex and present boyfriend
Ya, it's like the first love
Somehow we get back together
But I know separation is for the best

Guess I will listen to lighter visual rock
Pay tribute to the old visual rock bands in particular
When they come to Hong Kong,
I will be there to support them
And to return what they have given to us

The memories
The lovely memories blend with the bitter ones
The memories can be so painful, so unbearable
Why is that?
Why is something so beautiful become nightmares?
The sweet dreams turn into nightmares and haunt me?

How about going to Japan?
Always plan to go to there and watch the lives
Anyway, will go to Japan



Go to Sino Centre, got a LMF album, windowshop the watches
Listen to Chi Chung's Class, YUCK's song is energetic

Have lunch with colleague L, she learnt guitar before

Change the wallpapers in the company and at home, feel brand new

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留言共 1 篇留言

A bittersweet extension of memories...

03-29 07:56

Yes, don't know what the readers feel. They may get bored and feel sad. For myself, I write for myself:)03-31 23:32

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前一篇:E 002... 後一篇:楽しい (快樂)...




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