
1 GP


作者:石│2008-12-03 19:43:10│巴幣:0│人氣:288
  Fehela said, Greetings to you, inexperienced one. What can I do for you today?
  I said, I need some work.
  Fehela said, We were ordered by high ranking officals in the Amarr Empire to deliver a batch of Zemner to the inhabitants of Outuni X - Moon 14 - Imperial Armaments Factory. Their supplies are low and they need some backup incase of a viral outbreak.
  I said, You can count on me, as always.
  I said, The work has been completed.
  Fehela said, Not bad, Get back to me later for another assignment will you?

  Fehela said, You`re back. Good. I have something a little more worthy of a capsuleer this time.
  I said, Oh? Sounds good. What is it?
  Fehela said, It seems one of our production outposts has been out of contact for a couple of days now - and is happens to be the same outpost that sent me that garbled report I was reading last time you were here. Something about strange occurrences in the production line.
  I`m not sure what the problem might be, exactly, but I do have a hunch. Would you please go check it out for us? And if you encounter out of ordinary - anything hostile, that is - deal with it for us?
  I said, Uh, sure, I guess. "Anything hostile"? Just what is it you`re thinging might be wrong?
  Fehela said, Well I can`t say for certain at this juncture: A bad guess might be worse than not knowning what to expect at all. But make sure you have some weapons fitted to your ship.
  I said, Well, I suspect your hunch was right, look like maybe somerouge drones somehow get their messed up wiring mixed into production line over there.
  Fehela said, Damn, Not even that you wish you`d been wrong, but this is one of those times. Alright, I have a quick vid-meeting I need to attend, but then I should have some more work for you.
  Oh, and hold onto that robbics blueprint. I just gave you. You`ll need it shortly.
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