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[西洋歌曲] 美國獨立樂團 Lilys - Dandy

作者:諾德雷斯│2012-09-15 05:17:04│巴幣:0│人氣:252

想發這首歌蠻久了 最喜歡的歌曲之一

從聽到 Lilys / Aspera Ad Astra split裡的Coby 開始 就非常瘋狂的喜歡這個團

一直對Dreampop, Shoegazing這類音樂毫無招架之力...

不過我卻是從Lilys倒過來聽回My Bloody Valentine的 順序應該反了才對~~ (Lilys是受到MBV影響的團之一) 而我居然無視MBV這Shoegazing大咖這麼久 (笑

其實我一直把MBV和Bullet For My Valentine以為是差不多的團 基本上根本是搞混的情形

很喜歡這首輕快節奏 加上主唱那咬字不清(?)的唱腔 真的很搭 :)

to shave my head, cleaner than clean
from pockets lined with vasoline
I know you now, but I can forget
be ready, but I'm not done yet
paperclip, cheap history defines
she used to split, but never shined
follow hey, learn how to lead
her law hoop soon brings out on me

Dandy changed her mind
and if you're not him is the only thing on your side
you are dumb, and young girl a burnout can be fine

with bottle-bat to hit the ball
while killing time she stares thru walls
water or 3 to drink in too real
you look like nothing I could steal
toasting heads, half-past pre-girl time
and this gives slowly wrap to twine
so share the floor, but i'm overstared
my stomache hurts from dives thru there

Dandy changed her mind
and if you're not him is the only thing on your side
and if you're not him only force me to decide

at night I could be anywhere
or somewhere that i could sleep
right now I could be anywhere
or somewhere that I could swing

the shaven head, cleaner then clean
legbone on fire with vasoline
I'll blow you off, and you will forget
keep moving but blood won't let
paperclip, hold arms to my side
your reason to touch while open wide
fake smiles make their whole deal seem cheap
at least from here the view is free

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前一篇:[西洋歌曲] 30 Se... 後一篇:[西洋歌曲] 明天開學之...



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