
3 GP

【翻譯】MAN WITH A MISSION - distance

作者:薩堪德拉│2012-09-04 13:28:43│巴幣:6│人氣:1212

作詞作曲:Kamikaze Boy・Jean-Ken Johnny

Say, Look again it's missing
You felt it before He's coming for more
The daemon clutching you and blissing
Yeah, the mighty God's been watching down but here's the truth
We know that he was never here for us to listen

Cause everyone thinks they're under control
When it's a piece of cake for him just to plunder your soul ya know it
(當掠奪你的靈魂對他來說只是小菜一碟,是阿 你知道的)
It happened in the start with Adam and Eve
Every blunder made in time is as usual on the roll

A slight hope maybe weak but strong enough to stand
The only thing we need just to get it in our hands
I'm reaching for it one more time
Let the voice roar Let it roar all over this land
(就讓我們怒吼 在這片土地上咆嘯)

Blast the horn. Relight. The world we change with all the might
(炸燬號角.  重新點燃. 我們來改變這世界的所有可能)
この世界を越え 呼びかけている don't feel the distance
(跨越這個世界 幾乎都在說著 感覺不到距離的存在)
Relaugh. Prepare to fight. The world we want to change tonight
(重新笑了 準備戰鬥 今晚我們要改變世界)
ゆずれない明日を つかみ取るまで don't feel the distance now
(不要放棄明天 為了要獲得 現在別感覺距離的存在)

And everything is losing track where it's going to
We know that we don't wanna let it be or let it through
It's just a waste of time
Just waiting for the sign
Gotta start it on but here's one thing that you should know
(準備開始 但有件事你必須知道)

You're the one to move. It's always the same
(你是不可缺少的那一步. 永遠都不會改變)
You're the one who choose. Nobody's ever there to blame
(你是個萬中選一. 沒有人真有責怪你)
Let us hold it in our hand again
Get it on, Get it ready cause the"one more time"is now
(得到他,準備好 因為現在我們準備"再一次")

Blast the horn. Relight. The world we change with all the might
(炸燬號角.  重新點燃. 我們來改變這世界的所有可能)
描いちゃいない 過去も未来も捨て 走り出す we won't feel the distance
(沒有畫下來 捨棄過去與未來 準備開始 我們不會感覺到距離)
Relaugh. Prepare to fight. The world we want to change tonight
(重新笑了 準備戰鬥 今晚我們要改變世界)
声を震わせて かき消して don't feel the distance now
(聲音在顫抖 沉溺下去 現在別感覺到距離感)

Lost again you stand there terminating what you feel
(你站在那裡 再度迷失終止你的感覺)
Get a grip and gotta understand what is real
It's just a waste of time
Just waiting for the sign
Let it start it on but here's one thing that you should know
(讓它開始 但有件事你必須知道)

You're the one to move. It's always the same
(你是不可缺少的那一步. 永遠都不會改變)
You're the one who choose. Nobody's ever there to blame
(你是個萬中選一. 沒有人真有責怪你)
Let us hold it in our hand again
Get it on, Get it ready cause the"one more time"is now
(得到他,準備好 因為現在我們準備"再一次")

Blast the horn. Relight. The world we change with all the might
(炸燬號角.  重新點燃. 我們來改變這世界的所有可能)
ゆずれない明日を つかみ取るまで don't feel the distance
(不要放棄明天 為了要獲得感覺不到距離的存在 )

Blast the horn. Relight. The world we change
(炸燬號角.  重新點燃. 這世界由我們改變)
描いちゃいない 過去も未来も捨て 走り出す we won't feel the distance
(沒有畫下來 捨棄過去與未來 準備開始 我們不會感覺到距離)
Relaugh. Prepare to fight. The world we want to change tonight
(重新笑了 準備戰鬥 今晚我們要改變世界)
声を震わせて かき消して don't feel the distance now
(聲音在顫抖 沉溺下去 現在別感覺到距離感)
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