
3 GP

惡靈古堡5 : 城鎮馬吉尼、斧男、機槍馬吉尼 動作清單

作者:幻藍魚│2011-09-06 16:56:36│巴幣:6│人氣:1633
Oscark 是第一個想到更正馬吉尼動作的玩家
由於當初大家瘋狂的在破解魔王威斯卡和 AE版角色動作
城鎮馬吉尼 [Town majini] 動作檔共有九個,分別如下:
PS: em10_g07.lmt 可能是在部落馬吉尼身上!? 我有空再查
每一個 .lmt 檔內的動作都很嚇人!不愧是馬吉尼啊(喂?)
全部九大檔案共有幾個動作?  大概是 400 多樣吧...
目前 em10_g08.lmt、em10_g09.lmt 尚未破解,有空再幫大家計算.
1 - Idle 1
2 - Growl
3 - Idle 2
4 - Go forward
5 - Go forward, growl and go
6 - Go forward, growl and go again (more far)
7 - Go slow, and run
8 - Run
9 - Go back
10 - Go back again
11 - Turn back
12 - Move left
13 - Move right
14 - Take something from ground and throw
15 - Kick (when you are grabbed)
16 - Knee x2
17 - Knee
18 - Try to grab, and move back
19 - Try to grab, and move back again
20 - Run forward and try to grab
21 - Stand ground and growl
22 - Stand ground ang growl (intense)
23 - Stand ground ang growl (intense too)
24 - Go forward
25 - Go forward and growl
26 - Go forward and growl too
27 - Go forward
28 - Run
29 - Run too
30 - Go back
31 - Go back too
32 - Turn back
33 - Move left
34 - Move right
35 - Move left (faster than 33)
36 - Move right (faster than 34)
37 - Pick something and throw
38 - Pick something from ground, make large turnover and throw
39 - Stand and growl
40 - Majini's hook
41 - Try to grab, and move back
42 - Almost same as 41
43 - Run and grab
44 - Black fat majini's vertical punch attack
45 - Black fat majini's hook (left hand)
46 - Black fat majini's hook (right hand)
1 - Stand with weapon on arm
2 - Stand with weapon in hand
3 - Stand with weapon in hand and growl
4 - Stand with weapon in hand and growl too
5 - Stand with weapon and wave it
6 - Go forward with weapon in hand (hand up)
7 - Go forward with weapon too
8 - Go forward with weapon too
9 - Go forward with weapon on arm
10 - Go forward with weapon in hand (hand down)
11 - Run forward with weapon in hand (hand up)
12 - Run forward with weapon in hand (hand up) too
13 - Run forward with weapon in hand (hand up) again
14 - Go back with weapon in hand
15 - Go back with weapon in hand (slower than 14)
16 - Turn back with weapon in hand
17 - Move left with weapon in hand
18 - Move right with weapon in hand
19 - Attack enemy horizontaly (full attack)
20 - Attack enemy horizontaly (half attack)
21 - Move forward (slow)
22 - Slow vertical attack
23 - Taking something from pocket
24 - Moving something to pocket
25 - Starting run with weapon (up)
26 - Run with weapon
27 - Run with weapon and attack horizontaly
28 - Starting run with weapon (down)
29 - Run with weapon (down)
30 - Run with weapon (down) and verticaly attack
31 - Starting run with weapon (middle)
32 - Run with weapon (middle)
33 - Run with weapon and attack (middle)
34 - Stand with weapon
35 - Stand with weapon (two torch)
36 - Stand with weapon in hand (torches?)
37 - Go forward with weapon (torches?)
38 - Go forward with weapons (torches, keep in the same level(?))
39 - Go forward with weapons and growl (torches)
40 - Run with weapons
41 - Go back with weapons (one up, one down)
42 - Go back with weapons (same level)
43 - Go back with weapons (one up, one down)
44 - Go left with weapons (one up, one down)
45 - Go right with weapons (one up, one down)
46 - One step left with weapons (one up, one down)
47 - One step right with weapons (one up, one down)
48 - Attack enemy (blowing the torch)
49 - Attack enemy (horizontal, throw something (???))
50 - Checking something on hand
51 - Checking something on both hand (burning dynamite)
52 - Taking something from pocket (dynamite)
53 - Run folded in half
54 - Burned majini
55 - Run with dynamite
56 - Stand, and begin run folded in half
57 - Turn back with 2 weapons
1 - Stand with weapon and shake all body (two handed weapon)
2 - Stand and growl (two handed weapon)
3 - Stand with weapon (two handed weapon)
4 - Go forward with two handed weapon (weapon in up)
5 - Go forward with two handed weapon (weapon in down)
6 - Go forward with two handed weapon (weapon in middle) and growl
7 - Begin run with two handed weapon (weapon in down)
8 - Begin run with two handed weapon (weapon in up)
9 - Go back with two handed weapon
10 - Go back with two handed weapon too
11 - Turn back with two handed weapon
12 - Go left with two handed weapon
13 - Go right with two handed weapon
14 - Pushed back (when we attack majini and he hit another majini)
15 - Pushed front (same)
16 - Attack with two handed weapon (from up)
17 - Attack with two handed weapon (stick weapon)
18 - Jab enemy on the ground (or another taunt?)
19 - Attack enemy with two handed weapon (probably spear) from up to down
20 - Run and jab enemy
21 - Run with spear
22 - Run with spear and jab to up
23 - Prepare to run with spear
24 - Run with spear
25 - Run with spear and attack (like baseball's bat attack)
1 - Go forward and cover behind something (shield?)
2 - Jump forward
3 - Jump forward too
4 - Go throught something (ex. wall)
5 - Jump from up
6 - Climb up on something and jump from it
7 - Jump forward
8 - Raise up
9 - Try to climb up
10 - Go throught something small (small hurdle)
11 - Prepare to jump
12 - Try to climb up
13 - Land (?)
14 - Jump down
15 - Land on knee
16 - Jump down
17 - Flu down
18 - Jump down (small hight)
19 - Fly down (small hight)
20 - Prepare to jump
21 - Climb up (one hand higher, one lower)
22 - Climb up (both hands on same level)
23 - Jump down (forward)
24 - Fly back
25 - Land on head
26 - Crouch (slow)
27 - Crouch (fast)
28 - Raise up
1 - Go left (folded)
2 - Show hero
3 - Crouch
4 - Fold up
5 - Go right (folded
6 - Go left (folded)
7 - Go right (folded)
8 - Go right
9 - Go left
10 - Go right
01 - Move head down and up
02 - Push majini back and return (when something hit majini with small force)
03 - Same as 2 but in symmetry
04 - Shooted in head (stand in one place)
05 - Pushed forward
06 - Shooted in head (go forward)
07 - Shooted in head (go back)
08 - Shooted in head (go back with turn 180 degress)
09 - Shooted in head (go back)
10 - Shooted in right hand stuff drop (very short)
11 - Shooted in right hand (Player can use melee)
12 - shaking in foot a little shaking (fall back)
13 - Shooted in right hand (lone pain)
14 - fall back a little
15 - Shooted in left hand stuff drop (very short)
16 - Shooted in left hand (Player can use melee)
17 - Shooted in left hand (lone pain)
18 - shaking in foot a little shaking (to front)
19 - something drop form arms
20 - Shooted  in right leg slowly foward (Player can use melee)
21 - Shooted  in right leg kneeling (fat majini type)
22 - Shooted to fall down (front)
23 - Shooted to fall down (back)
24 - fall down slowly (back)
25 - Shooted  in right leg kneeling
26 - Shooted  in left leg slowly foward (Player can use melee)
27 - Shooted  in left leg stand in a place
28 - Shooted  in left hand shake the body
29 - Big boom lie on floor (to back)
30 - Shooted to fall down in original place
31 - lie on land swining 2 leg

1 - Hold both hands on something (simmer?) 雙手拿火燄瓶
2 - Pick player up and throw 抓起玩家並丟擲
3 - Majini Hold player been pushed back and hitten 從前方抓取玩家失敗並被揍飛
4 - Hold player (back) 從後方抓住玩家
5 - Release from grab back (majini animation) 馬吉尼釋放抓取玩家(後)
6 - Turn 180 degress and grab player (/be grabbed?) 轉180度並被抓
7 - Hold player (back, long) 馬吉尼從後方抓住玩家長時間動作
8 - Hold player (back, short) 馬吉尼從後方抓住玩家短時間動作
9 - Majini been thorw with roll to front (majini animation) 馬吉尼被玩家過肩摔
10 - Hold player (back, short) 馬吉尼從後方抓住玩家短時間動作
11 - Two hooks 雙勾拳
12 - Hold player, and be pushed back (front, normal) 馬吉尼前方抓玩家被推開
13 - Hold player front be pushed back and stunned 馬吉尼前方抓玩家被推開也咬到玩家
14 - Hold player (front, long) 馬吉尼前方抓玩家第三段動作
15 - Eat player 馬吉尼從前方狠狠的咬下玩家的頭[男]
16 - Hold somebody's neck 抓住某人的脖子
17 - Release from grab back (majini animation) 馬吉尼後方抓取被玩家掙開
18 - Hold player (back, long) 馬吉尼從後方抓住玩家長時間動作
19 - Hold player (back, short) 馬吉尼從後方抓住玩家短時間動作
20 - Hold player (back, shorter) 馬吉尼從後方抓住玩家極短時間動作
21 - Hold player and be pushed back (front) 馬吉尼前方抓玩家被推開
22 - Hold player from front (long) 馬吉尼前方抓玩家第三接段動作
23 - Eat player 馬吉尼從前方狠狠的咬下玩家的頭[女]
24 - Try to push enemy (player animation) 玩家試圖掙脫動作
25 - Throw player (player animation) 玩家被丟擲動作
26 - Push enemy front and straight 玩家成功推開馬吉尼並來個直拳
27 - Try to release from majini (back, player animation) 玩家試圖甩脫馬吉尼的熊抱
28 - Release from majini grab back 玩家成功甩脫馬吉尼的熊抱[男]
29 - Be grabbed by majini (back, strange)  玩家試圖甩脫馬吉尼的熊抱第二段
30 - Be grabbed by majini (back)  玩家試圖甩脫馬吉尼的熊抱第三段
31 - Being grabbed (back, player animation) 玩家剛開始被熊抱動作[男]
32 - Throw majini (from back to front) 玩家把馬吉尼過肩摔動作
33 - Try to release from majini (back, player animation) 玩家嘗試甩脫馬吉尼熊抱第一段
34 - Push majini back (from grab in front, normall) 玩家試圖推開馬吉尼第一段
35 - Try to release (front, long, player animation) 玩家試圖推開馬吉尼第二段
36 - Be eaten by majini nad pushed down (player animation) 玩家頭部被咬並推倒動作
37 - Stand in one place (??, long, without weapon) 馬吉尼原地閒置動作無武器
38 - Stand in one place (very short animation) 馬吉尼原地極短的閒置動作
39 - Stand in one place (weapon dont disappear, medium time) 馬吉尼原地閒置動作有武器
40 - Be eaten by majini 玩家頭部被咬動作[男]
41 - Release from majini grab (back, player animation) 玩家成功甩脫馬吉尼的熊抱[女]
42 - Hold player (back, player anim) 玩家嘗試甩脫馬吉尼熊抱第一段[女]
43 - Start grab player (back, player animation) 玩家剛開始被馬吉尼熊抱動作[女]
44 - Grab player (back, player animation) 玩家嘗試甩脫馬吉尼熊抱第二段[女]
45 - Push enemy (to back, normall, player animtaion)玩家成功甩脫馬吉尼的熊抱[女]
46 - Be grabbed by majini (front, long, player )玩家試圖推開馬吉尼第三段動作[女]
47 - Eated by majini (player animation, front) 玩家頭部被咬動作[女]
接下來這部份是由 Sectus 於今年七月所發表的機槍馬吉尼清單
em23_g23.lmt (JJ aka gatling gun majini)
1 - Standing idle? 閒置動作
2 - Walking forward 向前方走
3 - Alternate walking forward 交替向前走
4 - Walking backward 向後方走
5 - Leap forward 向前飛躍
6 - Also leap forward? 飛躍
7 - Also leap forward? 飛躍
8 - Also leap forward? 飛躍
9 - Also leap forward? 飛躍
10 - Landing from jump? 飛躍到地面動作
11 - Sliding forward? Looks glitchy. 微向前滑
12 - Long leap forward. 長距離飛躍
13 - Another glitchy slide forward. 另一個向前滑行
14 - Punch forward? 往前拳擊
15 - Jump down from ledge.降落到平台上
16 - Climb up small ledge. 爬升
17 - Some kind of walking down and up ledge? 往前往後
18 - Melee with gatling gun 用機槍的體技
19 - Aiming 瞄準動作
20 - Firing 開火動作
21 - Aiming up 向上瞄準
22 - Firing upwards 向上方開火
23 - Aiming down 向下瞄準
24 - Firing downwards 向下開火
25 - Aiming to the right 向右瞄準
26 - Firing to the right 向右開火
27 - Aiming to the up-right 向右上方瞄準
28 - Firing to the up-right 向右上方開火
29 - Aiming to the down-right 向右下方瞄準
30 - Firing to the down-right 向右下方開火
31 - Aiming to the left 向左方瞄準
32 - Firing to the left 向左方開火
33 - Aiming to the up-left 向左上方瞄準
34 - Firing to the up-left 向左上方開火
35 - Aiming to the down-left 向左下方瞄準
36 - Firing to the down-left 向左下方開火
37 - Turn around 180 degrees and then do melee with gatling gun 轉180度並用機槍體技
38 - Taunt (lift gatling up and shoot into the air) 挑釁[向天空胡亂開火]
39 - Lift gatling up from left side and prepare for aiming 從左側準備機槍並瞄準
40 - Throw grenade 丟擲手榴彈
41 - Turn around 180 degrees 轉180度
42 - Turn 90 degrees to the right and prepare for aiming 向右方轉90度並瞄準
43 - Turn 90 degrees to the left and prepare for aiming 向左方轉90度並瞄準
44 - Hurt animation (hit from front) 受傷動作(前方)
45 - Hurt animation and turn 180 degrees (hit from behind) 轉180度受傷動作
46 - Hurt animation (pushed backwards) 向後微退的受傷動作
47 - Getting stunned (continues...) 持續疼痛
48 - Being stunned (continues...) 開始疼痛
49 - Recovering from stun animation  從疼痛動作復原
50 - Hurt animation, pushed down to crouch (continues...) 被打到蹲伏動作
51 - Crouching (continues) 蹲伏持續動作
52 - Standing up from crouch 從蹲伏動作站起來
53 - Die animation (falls forwards) 死亡動作[向前躺]
54 - Walks backwards after getting hit by a powerful strike 被終結技正義直拳打之對應動作
這是由 wilsonso 發表的斧男動作清單:
My list for em20.lmt (executioner):
1 - Holding Axe
2 - Turn Back
3 - Start To Walk
4 - Walking Forward (Fast)
5 - Walking Forward (Slow)
6 - Turn Left
7 - Turn Right
8 - Raise Axe?
9 - Raise Axe?
10 - Climb Up
11 - Jump?
12 - Land
13 - Jump?
14 - Jump?
15 - Jump?
16 - Walk Backward
17 - Same as 16?
18 - Same as 16?
19 - Same as 16?
20 - Raise Axe?
21 - Axe Attack Combo (Left, Right, Down, Right)
22 - Put Down Axe?
23 - Axe Attack (Down)
24 - Axe Attack (Back)
25 - Point Forward
26 - Axe Attack (Circular)
27 - Axe Attack Combo (Left, Right)
28 - Same as 23?
29 - Same as 23?
30 - Start Grab
31 - Grab And Raise Up
32 - Hit the ground vertically?
33 - Same as 32?
34 - Same as 32?
35 - Fall Down
36 - Crouch (too much damage)
37 - Fall Back (hit from front)
38 - Move Forward (hit from back)
39 - Turn Back (hit from front)
40 - Being Grabbed (motion for player)
41 - Same as 40?
42 - Land?
43 - Swell 膨脹
下圖是角色用Swell 膨脹後的表現:

由此可知斧男的模組其實本身不胖,是靠此 .lmt檔作祟所致.
其實 BIO5 動作是很複雜的...有時覺得為什麼同樣的動作卻做數個版本
故可知道 CAPCOM 是真的很認真在作遊戲的細節處

遊戲在讀取時會多麼累呢?  [有空去看馬吉尼的檔案大小,都很嚇人]
Oscark 對我說其實女性馬吉尼也是能作動正常
2007官方預告片中 失蹤的體技,製作方法:


NO.5+17 改成 NO.9  --
NO 28+41 改成 NO.32
NO.34+45改成 26
NO.12+21 改成 NO.3  --
NO .45 改成 26
NO .33 回復正常
有趣的是本人重新玩 惡靈古堡四之後
1 ~ 29 and 31 ~ 43 are same as em20 lmt (some of them are unuse)
1-29號動作 與 31-43 動作檔和原始的em20 lmt 是相同的
以下是新增/更動 的動作清單對照
30 = Start grab (faster)
44 = Torture + splash acid(after get hit in left arm)

*******(spike ceiling trap event)*******

45 = fast dead by trap (no push trap event)
46 = push trap ceiling (start)
47 = pushing ceiling (next)
48 = hit by finishing melee while pushing
49 = same as 48?
50 = slowly fall and dead by trap(after get melee)
51 = slowly walk backward out from trap
52 = success out from trap
53 = freeze ?
54 = look up to ceiling that falling + dead(event)


55 = taunt(after send player into a dying status)
56 = grab player ?
57 = grabing + start to hit with his anchor
58 = kill player after grab (instant kill attack)
59 = being grab (start)(player's motion)
60 = being grab (player's motion)
61 = kill after being grab (player's motion)
62 = same as 59 (maybe for female character?)
63 = same as 60 (maybe for female character?)
64 = same as 61 (maybe for female character?)

下面的影片是 KamiA 親自上傳更動後的動作對照
真的很有趣! 是吧!!?
可惜的是目前 所有 DLC .DOM檔只能於 3D ART 平臺解壓縮
缺乏 IMPORT CODE 讓這些 .DOM檔變成 PC版才能用的 .MOD檔..
不然所有 AE版的內容就可由玩家親自更正過來了...
以下列表由 Sectus 提供:

em10 - town majini 城鎮男性馬吉尼
em11 - female town majini 城鎮女性馬吉尼
em12 - village majini 村落馬吉尼
em13 - big majini  黝黑胖子馬吉尼
em14 - army majini 軍人馬吉尼
Em1d - Friendly majini from 1-1 最初友善男馬吉尼
Em1e - Friendly majini from 1-1 最初友善女馬吉尼
em20 - executioner 1-1 斧男
em21 - town majini with megaphone 煽動者馬吉尼
em22 - chainsaw boss 電鋸馬吉尼
em23 - Machine gun majini 重機槍馬吉尼
em24 - giant majini 村落巨大馬吉尼
em26 - prison executioner 火燄斧男
em27 - LiN Guardian of Insanity executioner 船錨斧男 [PC不存在]
em30 - dogs 狗
em31 - dogs, different look 狗
em32 - lickers 利卡
em34 - reaper 開膛手
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


留言共 2 篇留言


09-07 14:22

動作遠多於受傷喔....09-07 14:29
HI藍魚大大 我後來發現LIN WESKER擊飛的動作其實就在ema2pl裡的36.37這兩個動作裡


09-11 00:29


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前一篇:惡靈古堡5 : 7大人物... 後一篇:惡靈古堡五:反生化恐怖第...




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