This egg is tiny and brightly colored.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It is a deep shade of crimson. 噢...這是一個可愛的龍寶寶。有著比紅色還要更深沉的顏色。

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It is a deep shade of crimson.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Crimson Flare Pygmies are named after their small size and speed. They are fast and love to fly up and down in steep climbs and dives, giving the impression of a flare of color in the sky. These dragons travel in swarms during migration seasons, and are very social. They live in tropical locations or wherever it is warm, and they are often seen near active volcanoes.
-發布日期 2011/05/21
This tiny egg is mysterious and dark.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Just like the egg it hatched from, it is very dark in color.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Just like the egg it hatched from, it is very dark in color.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Dark Myst Pygmies are, despite their dark and gloomy appearance, merry creatures that are usually seen in dark swamps playing among tree branches. These small dragons love humidity, as it keeps their skin well-hydrated, and are most happy when it is raining or foggy. They feed off larvae and insects and occasionally hunt for tiny lizards and frogs.
玄黑迷你龍儘管有著晦暗的外觀但牠們其實是快樂的生物,通常出現在黑暗的沼澤林間愉快地玩耍。這些小龍喜愛潮濕的地方因為這可以保持牠們皮膚的水分,當下雨或起霧就是牠們最開心的時候。牠們通常吃些魚苗或者昆蟲,偶爾獵點小蜥蜴和青蛙。 -發布日期 2011/05/21
The tiny egg shines like a pearl.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. As soon as it hatched it headed to the sea.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. As soon as it hatched it headed to the sea.
And look! It lost its fins and grew wings instead. It must be close to maturing. 噢...這是一個可愛的龍寶寶。當牠孵後就往大海前進了。
(母) (公)
Seawyrm Pygmies are tiny dragons that live by the sea. They mostly fly above the ocean, but occasionally they dive into the water to pick up plankton or tend to their offspring. Hatchlings are born with tiny fins that helps them swim and only live in the water. A Seawyrm Pygmy's mating game consists of a dance in which the two dragons spin above the water then dive to the sea and hunt. Eggs are usually laid in the sand or at the bottom of shallow parts of the sea.
-發布日期 2011/05/21
This tiny egg has crazy swirls on it.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It won't leave other dragons alone. 噢...這是一個可愛的龍寶寶。牠不會獨自離開其他的龍。
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It won't leave other dragons alone.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing. 噢...這是一個可愛的龍寶寶。牠不會獨自離開其他的龍。
(母) (公)
Misfit Pygmies are a brightly-colored breed that love to make life miserable for other creatures. When several Misfits group together, it is certain that there is mischief afoot. They do everything they can to tease, causing general mayhem for all. Misfit Dragons will steal food from beneath other dragons noses both for fun, and to fill their bellies. While they are known for their tricks and pranks, they have a rarely-displayed sweet side and will search out little treasures to present to their chosen mate.
-發布日期 2011/05/21
This tiny egg is heavier than you expected.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. 噢...這是一個可愛的龍寶寶。
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon.And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Nilia Pygmies reside mostly in mountainous regions, tending to live in large flocks. They are a curious, hyperactive species; their curiosity, often gets them into in dangerous situations. Despite this, they are wary around other dragons and animals outside their species. They are naturally shy and seek their own kind for companionship. Once the trust of a Nilia dragon is earned though, they are highly loyal critters; sometimes to the point of being annoying.
-發布日期 2011/05/21
This egg is so tiny you almost didn't see it.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It can fit right in your palm.
(母) (公)
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It can fit right into your palm.
And look! It's grown wings! It must be close to maturing.
(母) (公)
Pygmy dragons are the smallest breed of true dragons, being the size of a small cat. They are often found around concentrated populations of dragons, relying on their larger brethren to ward away potential predators and to leave generous scraps. As such, the majority of a pygmy's diet is scavenged, though they do hunt songbirds and small mammals when the pickings are slim. Due to their tiny size, pygmies do not breed with other varieties of dragons, but select mates within their breed.