Maximum being the largest amount or number allowed or possible 是最大量,或者是最大可能容許的數量
維基 In mathematics, maxima and minima, known collectively as extrema (singular: extremum), are the largest value (maximum) or smallest value (minimum), that a function takes in a point either within a given neighborhood (local extremum) or on the function domain in its entirety. 數學上,最大和最小值,正確來說要正名成極值,一個方程式會有一個點相對其他的點或是在這方程式他的全域,這時候那個點會是最大的或是最小的值。
Cannon a large, powerful gun fixed to two or four wheels, which fires heavy stone or metal balls, and which was used in the past 一個大的,強力的固定火炮,通常會有兩個或四個輪子,可以發射重石頭或是金屬球,通常被在古代使用...
表現形式 Releases a very short range ball of fire that twirls with the Nasod's arm. Deals magic damage. 釋放一個很短範圍的砲擊球,而且利用納斯德手臂快速轉動火燄,這算是魔法攻擊。 明明就是手掌發出來的,為什麼還要叫做砲擊?我現在跟你講,你有注意到雷文機械手那邊有個發射孔嗎?那個就是砲擊位置!之後會說明的cannon blade也是如此!雷文利用機械手臂釋放旋轉砲擊,而且那個是手臂所能發出的最大力量,因此才叫做極限砲擊!