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淺談GW 之 戰士

作者:ⓚⓐⓜⓐⓔⓛ│2011-01-06 20:15:14│巴幣:0│人氣:312





"Bring your finest... I will defeat them all!"
"Fool! You face Koss!"
"Ha! You missed me!"
"Have no fear! I will save you!"
"Here I stand! Get a good glimpse... I will be the last thing you see."
"I am like a wild beast unchained!"
"Idiot meet hammer. Hammer, idiot!"
"I will break you!"
"I will carve my name upon your skull!"
"More bodies for my blade!"
"Remember my name when you see the gods! Tell them Koss sent you!"
"Tell your ancestors you were defeated by Koss!"
"This move always impresses Melonni."
"You can always rely on my strength!"
"You should pay attention. You might learn something!"
"You will pay for your folly with blood."

"Balthazar bless my weapon!"
"For justice! And truth! And… stuff!"
"Here we go again!"
"Hey! He actually hit me!"
"Hey, that's cheating!"
"Ow! Hey! That's not fair!"
"Ow! Ow! Ow!"
"These are fists of mass destruction you're facing, bub!"
"Villains! You face Goren!"
"What?""Whoa-oh! Surprise move! Bonus round!"
"You think that hurt? Try this!"
"Your wave of evil crashes on the shores of Goren!"

"Battle at last! Cut them down!"
"Best hurry, my friend, or there'll be none left for you!"
"By Bear and Raven!"
"Come, you who carry corpses; the raven flies over the plain, the battle is joined!"
"Die, cur!""Fight beneath a cold sky, a clouded sky, a deadly wind-borne sky!"
"Good. Bad. I'm the girl with the big weapon."
"I bring the snow and biting winds! I bear the fury of the Norn upon my blade!"
"I fight for glory!"
"I pity you... you were not born a Norn!"
"I see the hall of spirits, where the brave live forever!"
"If you face a Norn, do so courageously. It will be the last thing you ever do."
"Norn do not know fear!"
"You are not Norn. Therefore, you will perish."
"You seem to be in a hurry to meet death."

未完 待續......
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